Not Creative

That entire margin is in one state. Look, I wanted Hillary to win, but she didn’t. We can’t keep grasping at the popular vote win because it doesn’t mean anything.

Now he just needs to choose one of these:

I get to decide whether or not I continue a pregnancy going on in my own body, so yes, I do get to end a parasitic relationship I don’t want to be in. Your fantasy of forcing women to be genetic mothers is disgusting, shameful, and telling.

People keep bringing up this “option.” If I wanted an abortion, I would want only that. I would not consent to having a fetus removed from my body and gestated elsewhere to be raised by the man who impregnated me or anyone else, period. If that kind of thing ever becomes a possibility, it should only be with the

It cannot be worse than America’s definition of a civilian. A civilain is someone we did not kill. If we drone a wedding in Yemen, we designate everyone killed a terrorist because America only kills terrorists so if we kill someone then obviously they were a terrorist and we chalk up a confirmed terrorist kill.

“As Donald Trump met with Kanye West today in Trump Tower, Syrian regime forces bolstered by our new friends in the Kremlin are completing what a UN official called “the complete meltdown of humanity” in the nearly fallen rebel-held city of Aleppo.”— Help me out here. What was Barack Obama doing today? Yesterday? The

What does this response even dignify?

or you can always go the classic obama administration route which is tentatively promise help but not really so maybe we’ll try to give you some weapons—oh oops ISIS has those now good luck i guess

What exactly would you have Donald Trump do?? He’s not yet president and won’t be for weeks. You could have just as easily made the point that President Obama played golf with Timberlake while Syria burns.

Ok, seriously people. I am ticked off at the commentators who have been going on continually lionizing Obama. Obama is indeed an intelligent and composed statesman but is not without some serious glaring errors and in many ways has just been a band aid for a bullet wound in American and political perspective. Look at

“But I don’t think that trying to appeal to the better angels of our nature, as Lincoln put it, is somehow a compromise.”

But the individual electors are not representing the U.S. as a whole/voting on a national scale — they represent the voters in their own states.

“Double bonus points for the fact that he’s still probably good.”

Pittsburgh called the Yankees to gauge their interest. Yankees said they might be in another 2 or 3 years perhaps.

He flew too close to the batshit sun.

She is a conservative politician. I don’t get Jezebel’s recent obsession with her and this idea that she is somehow “Hillary 2.0" or something - sure, she ain’t no Trump or Le Pen, but as a German this whole burqa ban thing is no surprise to me at all. I cheer for Mami Angela due to her being one of the last

The White Sox fan on staff is yelling about how you never trade for 2B prospects. The Red Sox fan on staff is just giggling at his desk. The asshole Nationals fans on staff were whining this morning about giving up prospects for an actual dominant workhorse starter, and they deserve to never win anything ever.

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.

I’m almost positive that the dance partners on this show are contractually obligated to have sex with each other.

Well, he just shot up to the top of the Ravens' 2017 draft board.