You know I was thinking and that’s actually another great sign of Hollywood sexism; the things that make Courtney Love “undesirable to work with” are the same things that made people say things like “Robert Downey Jr would make a great Iron Man”.
You know I was thinking and that’s actually another great sign of Hollywood sexism; the things that make Courtney Love “undesirable to work with” are the same things that made people say things like “Robert Downey Jr would make a great Iron Man”.
I know, right? Who would EVER hire Ben Affleck again after that disgusting drunken spectacle where he sexually assaulted the interviewer, and it was broadcast?
This is why I don’t watch “roasts.” Everyone pretends to be joking around and having fun, when they’re really just letting out pent-up anger and using it as an excuse for “politically incorrect” jokes that demean others. And everyone watching knows. It makes awards ceremonies seem authentic by comparison
Actually, the dissonance is astounding. How no one is looking at Trump (or has looked at Trump) through the same lens through which we are looking at Weinstein is astounding.
It’s a sad day when Scientology can say “hey, at least we’re not CAA”.
Yeah, she was quite good in the Larry Flynt movie. Much better actress than someone like Madonna, who couldn’t make the jump.
This is assuming that there is something inherently not progressive about open sexuality and smut, or that they are counter-intuitive to progressive movements, which isn’t true.
I dunno. When Man on the Moon and the Larry Flynt movie were out a lot of critics showered major praise on her acting. I think there’s even an embarrassing quote from Roger Ebert that suggested the greatest legacy of grunge might turn out to be Love’s acting career.
with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.
We don’t need a bounty on reasons to impeach Trump, we need a Congress that is willing to impeach Trump.
Can you please SHUT THE FUCK UP and let women talk about what they know and live?
You know what? I scrolled by the “men are trash” logo without doing a thing. Then i saw your whiny comment and went back to star it. I’m not crazy about generalizations, but people who cry over generalizations in a social context where a group dominates another (with all the consequence-free abuse that entails) are…
Leave King Trashmouth out of this
And the leader of men is a flaming dumpster fire.
They are wrong. Not because they are generalisation, but because these are hypothesis that can be proven to be false either through direct measurement and through observation (although I’m not familiar with the pitbull debate).
Lots of rumors about child predators in the business too. Waiting to see if people get outed for that too!
Oliver Stone was my next door neighbor for a short while. I was in the alley playing basketball with his son, when he and a friend came outside. He and his friend (both adult men) then informed me that girls couldn’t play sports, etc. and basically berated me for being a woman. I was 12.
This is starting to feel like The Purge: Harrassers. I welcome this newfound sense that women feel they can publicly name names during this surreal window of time.
Have you ever read “The Gift of Fear”? Basically the entire premise is that we have finely honed survival instincts through millenia of evolution that tell us through small subliminal clues that we’re in danger, but we’ve trained ourselves out of listening to them. But WE SHOULD LISTEN TO THEM.
YES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!