
I think this was timed to coincide with what WOULD HAVE been SOPA's passage. When they realized it wasn't going to pass in time, they just moved the time up a bit. BTW, I'm against SOPA, but I am a knowledge worker and I support REASONABLE copyright laws when they include fair use and due process of law.

Heinlein called them "Waldos" and I think you're right most the machines people are calling robots should be called a Waldo.

You can't swap batteries. I love Android. I love Moto, but it's DEAD in the water. Anyone who uses Android phones knows that the constant multitasking (one of it's best features) KILLS batteries. This thing is dead, dead, dead.

I agree with what EyeHeartPie said, "Please don't support these people. They are using someone else's work (the fine developers over at XDA) done for free, and making money off of it, and as far as I can tell, they're not donating any of their proceeds back to the people who made their product possible. Not to mention