It’s impossible to make this game fun to play for a very simple reason, and it’s the fact that they took perhaps the two most boring repetitive gameplay archetypes they could and combined them: Cover shooting and RPG-esqe bullet sponge enemies.
It’s impossible to make this game fun to play for a very simple reason, and it’s the fact that they took perhaps the two most boring repetitive gameplay archetypes they could and combined them: Cover shooting and RPG-esqe bullet sponge enemies.
Who does this guy think he is Critikal? Get ya own schtick.
News of the day: Man plays video game, yells bigly
Another sees the light, you have grown strong grasshoppa
Yes, it’s just an evolution/branch of the anime style like it has evolved for decades.
To be extremely technical, it is anime.
There’s no problem here. You’re looking for a problem where there is none. One can exist without tainting the other. It’s a video game. You know, video games, those things that are supposed to be for fun? The single player does a great job of reminding us that reality is not a video game, war is not fun, it’s…
They’re not telling you war is fun. They’re telling you games are fun. Games are fun because we know they’re not real. The single player serves as a reminder that even though this stuff is fun in a game war is hell in reality. I think they did a good job. They could have just as easily made the single player campaign…
actually laughed out loud, no it definitely won’t lol. “One time in this game I shot some guys with a gun lol it was sick” it doesn’t really translate unless you’re at a party with a bunch of CS:GO players.
Man all the people in this thread are seriously depressing. I guess it’s like they say you’re only as old as you feel.
That’s not the point. You have a poor understanding of fair use and copyright law.
Haha, you can’t claim fair use on a trademarked character you’re using to make a profit, you silly bitch. Rightfully deserved. She and other boobie streamers just do a disservice to streaming and game culture as a whole. Take that shit back to myfreecams where it belongs. YouTube and Twitch both need to make it very…
I’m not seeing anyone comment on this but did he really say “Do you know who I am?” after fumbling that handshake LOL
It’s called a Code Blue
Pokay mon GO in 2016 LUL
The changes they’re making seem okay to me. Personally I don’t think it’ll stop good Genji players from still destroying people and making them go running crying back to Blizz anyway. As the article suggests, learn to counter pick.
Dank meme lil bro
I played FFXI around the same time as you, around the same age, and I know exactly what you mean. I had a lot of fun with that game, it was rife with challenges that were impossible to surmount alone and there was virtually no hand holding whatsoever. These days I’d probably be too impatient to play a game like FFXI,…
I don’t know whether to laugh or shake my head in disappointment that something like basing your career off being verbally degraded and proudly attracting viewers with cleavage is now being viewed in a positive light. This kind of attitude I think is actually really bad for Twitch as a whole but what do they care…