
The themes you listed perfectly encapsulate what made this game so powerful and really that perfect game to come into mine and many other’s lives at just the right time. No recent Final Fantasy title can even hold a candle to the kind of relatable but still fantastical themes and concepts that FF7 did, it is in my

They should hire David Hayter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I don’t see why it has to be flying really, just put it on the ground.

Yeah honestly never once have I found any character in Fallout particularly interesting. I’M the interesting one, everyone else is just a puppet there for my amusement.

Anyone here tried both the Rift and the Vive that can tell us which they found a better product?

Okay.. neat I guess.

#1 Billy

Oh you know it’ll happen eventually

My assumption was always that the characters just lived out the rest of their lives fighting to get the planet back into balance with nature, dismantling reactors and eventually Midgar itself became abandoned by humans, as it was a sore on the face of the planet. Then we see that the planet itself is reclaiming what

I didn’t get that far, like level 40. Partly because as I said, it didn’t draw me in the way single player FF titles do. Probably because rather than having a cast of very animated and fleshed out characters that you’re watching grow you have only yourself to focus on while every other character feels robotic, like a


FF14 is pretty decent but it’s still an MMO and in that sense I find it’s lacking a certain depth and character that the single player experiences have but it’s still a fun game in its own right.

lol yup. Like we need to know who you are at the start of every video. It’s one thing to be like hey, welcome to [current game] but the set in stone intro and outro slogans are getting pretty awkward.

stripping out the humor and turning the RPG classic into an over-priced, thin series of episodes with streamlined levels and no world map.

the wildly underrated—though technically non-canonical—Metal Gear Solid: Revengence

The reality is you won’t notice any of that shit at all when you’re actually playing.

Anyone actually ever get raided in Fallout 4? I haven’t build up my settlement much, not much interest as it seems virtually pointless unless you just like building for the hell of it.

So it’s basically the railway rifle with a different skin.

Is Jim Sterling some kind of super villain, is that why he never changes outfits?

Grognak the Destroyer costume + Sack hood or gtfo.