
Yeah man, I have similar experiences from my early WoW days too, just seeing what’s over the horizon is the most exciting feeling

I still remember when I was just a youngster happily playing FF7 getting lost in the tapestry of its epic story and the beauty of the world, but I always found my 7 year old self wishing there were more realistic rocks in the game. Thank god Square have come SUCH a long way.

I’m with you, things like this make me smile because it means devs are still on the same page in terms of instilling wonder and amazement when you stumble across hidden treasures. And you’re right, thanks to guides and wikis etc. that’s pretty much completely lost on the current generation. It’s that sense of

I really can’t take people with silly overlays and gimmicks seriously when it comes to entertaining me. It all just feels like a weak crutch. Usually the people I watch most are the people that are just genuine and sincere about who they are. Futureman gaming is kind of funny to check out every now and then for

It’s not impossible to overpower the empire if you really take full advantage of all the game’s tools, also never aiming down sights helps you aim better for some odd reason. The only thing the empire has that I think is seriously imbalanced are the ATAT token pickups, you can absolutely demolish the other team if you

smfh. No respect for people who waste/flaunt wealth like this. Guy has no concept of reality to waste “Minecraft money” on something so unnecessarily ostentatious. Meanwhile you have genuinely appreciative down to Earth people like jacksepticeye who still lives in a shitty little one bedroom. Fuck Minecraft, fuck

It’s a decent amount, but if you compare it to a lot of the cookie cutter hacks on YouTube that have a minimum 1 million subscriber count, it’s kind of tragic.

Jerma is easily one of the most underrated YouTubers out there. Genuinely funny down to Earth dude. I was in tears at the conga line.

The more companies do this the less I tend to be interested in the end result. It’s like modern movie trailers that give away too much information and reveal the entire story summary in a minute.

It really is pretty. It’s too bad the story and everything about it try so hard to be “cool.” I would have loved this show when I was 13.

You can take her alive using a lethal sniper, I’ve done it.

Tl;dr Stop doing that you idiot.

Spoilers: There is no story. Dark Souls effect. Leave pieces of a half-thought-out narrative then scatter clues and nods to possible plotlines while never actually making any sense.

Cawadoody + shoddy Titanfall mechanics shoehorned in, gg innovation.

I think I’ll stick to playing it the fun way

I just hope we don’t see too many derivative games spawning from it. Hopefully developers can come up with a variety of games that can work as an Esport. Rocket League is a great example for people that aren’t into MOBA or FPS games.

Dark Cloud

All of Solaris. Always stuck in my mind. Was so blown away by it’s design.

No, you’ve missed everything that made it great.

I’ll wait for No Man’s Sky thanks.