Or having a bum chin for that matter.
Or having a bum chin for that matter.
I noticed that too but then he was still very precise, I guess that's what happens if you play with one peripheral long enough.
Has to be mouse. Nobody aims that well with a controller. Nobody. By the way I know everyone's gonna shit all over me but that sure looked a lot like Cawadoody. Mixed with some Halo.
Yeah it's hard not to see your own video, Liam. Nice try, I'll forgive it but no I won't go watch it.
The main issue is really all the features that they showed in the trailer misleading people into thinking they'd all be available in alpha (myself included) then they suddenly got yanked and the game was just a big.. nothing. You can ride dinos and drag people around sure but that alone gets old quick.
One scene from an early build that I've played, for instance, is set in a hospital room on a night when Joel was severely dehydrated. Most of the "gameplay," if you can call it that, involves clicking a mouse to move around the room and try to give Joel a box of juice to drink from. He continues to cry, seemingly…
I just don't like the walking part. I want transportation. I'm looking at you DAYZ *COUGH* WALKING SIMULATOR *COUGH* It's one thing if it's a world so vast and dynamic that walking feels genuinely engaging and immersive, it's another when the entire landscape eventually mushes into a samey goo, at that point I just…
"Consoles have been banned in China since the year 2000," Lisa Hanson from market researcher Niko Partners tells Kotaku. "The government thought that was the best way to protect Chinese youth from wasting their minds on video games, after a parental outcry." The following year, online gaming exploded, and the market…
I liked borderlands, but the chest in town and claptrap were really my main reasons for playing. My friend and I would just spend an entire hour opening and closing that chest as if in some kind of trance.
Sexual T-rex.. so.. tiny twigs for arms that make it difficult to engage in any kind of sexual activity.
Thanks I've seen a fair few of those but some I'll also definitely take a look into. You also reminded me of some I'd kinda like to rewatch :P
I've read the manga up to a certain point so I should probably check out the anime, thank ya. With the manga though, I found I much preferred BLAME! when it comes to Nihei's work. "Different" doesn't begin to describe the universes he creates, and yet there are often subtle tie-ins between them suggesting that either…
Seen it, thanks though. Great one! Not an entirely original premise no, but the way the plot itself unfolded was very gripping and well written.
Or you know, just switch it off.
I think the "shadow of giants" thing is my main problem with most anime these days and why I wax nostalgic over the likes of Cowboy Bebop and such. I used to love anime but as I get older each new anime that comes out just seems to be a ripoff/rehash/spinoff of something that's been done much better already. Can…
Spore is still amazing for the creature creator, even if you don't actually like the game much:
It's just what I've always done. Since I was about 5 years of age I've been gaming, it's as much a part of me as breathing.
Love me some Lunar. Think I'll give this one a try. Been hankering for something like this for a while.