Bess Spark

I’ve used hypnosis to help quit smoking before and it was incredibly effective. My experience was that I was aware the whole time, though, just in a very relaxed and sort of trippy space - when I was brought back to a cognizant state I felt giggly, light headed, and I had to eat before I drove home.

That’s Ms. Ramsey Taylor, actually, who sat on the Clay Development Corp. board and posted the initial statement. Bev is the one who responded to it - they haven’t been running a pic of her. Shame, I kinda wanted to see what she looks like after almost 20 years, and she took her facebook down after all this blew up.

I experienced such a weird paradox trying to live in other states. I don’t exactly feel this cozy yearning for my hometown, because I never felt really at home because I was different on so many levels, and at the same time I felt so hopelessly out of touch and clumsy in New York. Too “snobby and elitist” to fit at

Oh it surely was! Thank God for busybodies and, I’m guessing, the local ace cub reporter of our pinko commie rag. All the national outlets are crediting WSAZ but I suspect Mr. Waddell was on this as soon as the comments started piling up. Good ol’ Clayberry.

Hope is the thing with feathers, friend! I know I felt kind of alone when that map lit up red last week, but in each and every state, in every town, we are there. As long as we have that, we have a chance and we have hope!

Thank you! :) it’s true, a lot of us bounce back and forth, and when we’re gone we feel almost guilty for leaving. Lee Maynard wrote two wonderful books about WV, Crum and Screaming with the Cannibals (if you maybe want to get a little more flavor), and the second one has a passage that I wish I could duplicate but

As long as I’m here, I’ll be shaking things up, promise.

Thank you for not dismissing us.

Solidarity to the panhandle! I’m back in the 304 myself now, in Charleston, don’t know for how much longer though, I can’t stomach Jim Justice as gov.

Yes, the local news stations were all over this, thank God! And my fb blew the hell up - WV is one big small town so everyone has a connection to Clay somehow. What’s nuts is public officials say appalling racist-sexist-fill-in-the-blank-ist in these little hollers and get away with it, that’s why these women felt

I’ve lurked for six years and I had to make an account to comment on this (hello wonderful ladies and gentleman who have taught me so much).