
Unions probably lobby against stuff like that as it automates the flying process.  

So where are your stats to provide a counter argument? All I see here is outrage and that’s not really constructive. If you disagree with how they read the stats, how about writing an article with your own detailed analysis and let’s take a look at them.
I am sure they would be enlightening.

So this site is in fact dead set on becoming the progressive version of Fox News, huh? Or at least treating its readers like they’re as incapable of dealing with truthful information as Fox viewers are? Anyone or anything that doesn’t validate the outrage is itsself outrageous...

I’m down. Don’t get high and decide to go jaywalking in dark clothes in the middle of the night. If this were a human driver this would have been easily considered the pedestrian’s fault.

These guys published multiple articles offering “are-you-stupid-or-just-incompetent” criticisms of teams for not doing exactly what DM failed to do here.

People don’t own words, that’s just not how it works.

Most unbelievably bullshit distorted headline ever. Shame on you.