
You going to do an article on Emmy snubs and not mention It’s Always Sunny? 

Honestly, this is more balanced than expected. What has he actually said wrong:

Yeah, maybe. 


I mean, if you’re going to include The Day to Day, you can’t really leave out the superior Brass Eye. But try telling that to these bog-brained Murphies.

I’m actually quite fond of that book as a prequel but wasn’t aware of any major controversy over it’s publication.

But with Disney there’s a clear line, whereas with other movies it might not be clear which service they will be appearing on and when. 

Fair point. But not sure it would have made much as wasn’t really for kids. Really enjoyed it but don’t remember it being full of laughs

Pixar is becoming a little predictable. And while they continue to mine interesting topics (death, after life, emotions, immigrants) these aren’t topics that get kids saying ‘I want to see that’. There’s also the fact that everyone knows they’ll be on Disney + within months - and if you’ve already paid for that, why

No love for Phil Dunphy?

That’s the problem for about 90% of rom coms.

Didn’t want to go with the ‘Buzz Cut’ headline?

Just came here to make sure it wasn’t a mistake and they did actually include Con Air on this list. One of the most memorable action movies of its era. 

Assume it’s so they can generate revenue through other streams - digital sales, DVD/Blu Ray, selling them to competitors

Eternals is such a big swing from Marvel. Huge cosmic gods, massive dead bodies in the ocean, missing superheroes, Blade. Yet, it doesn’t seem to fit in with everything else Marvel is doing at all.

I mean, it was coming. They’re not going to buy an IP like Harry Potter and not use it. Especially after the relative failures of the recent expanded world films. And Harry Potter does suit itself better to TV series. 

Would go Dragon Breathe over the steps. And the knife fight. Also loved the Arc de Triumph scene. The last two movies are some of the best action movies ever. 

Think there needs to be a distinction between too long and bad pacing. Many big budget action movies run long but as we’re moving around a lot, covering varied storylines, etc the pacing works better. But if the lengthy sections are needless exposition, fan service endings, unnecessary side plots, then audiences will

Yeah, but RRR had a musical intermission. And it’s more common among Bollywood films to have long run times to accomodate the musical numbers.

Yep. But is a remake part of the nostalgia? Not really.