
Are they doing the within his lifetime rules? Because the different between the 90s and 70/6050s was stark. The difference between the 2020s and say 1980/90 is less so. Are we going to reference the decade by size of mobile phone? (that might actually be a nice running gag actually)

Not huge fan of much of the DC film and TV stuff - the outfits always look to plastic-y and cheap. And the tones are all over the place.

In the Line of Fire is a great film.

Half of this was interesting - filled with great actors, insightful stuff and some genuine tension (this could all be happening right now). It’s a shame the lead character was so uninteresting and badly acted. I can see she is there to humanize and act as the viewer proxy, but her role was basically just being angry

Cast looks good, though it feels very generic. Like a mix between LOTR, bit of Thor and every other fantasy story. Also, Chris Pine - while I normally like him - just feels too modern and too American for this world. 

So young versions of Pacino, De Niro and Kilmer? Go with Chalomet, Miles Teller and Pattison. 

Yeah but there was the big kiss in this. Which Disney knew would become a talking point. 

Don’t really think this was sold on it being a Chris Evans film - it’s not like his name was all over the posters or trailers. It’s more likely Allen’s right wing politics.

Surely Phil Dunphy? He’s the most Dad-focussed Dad on TV

I mean, his people or at least the production crew should have explained this all to him before hand and in detail. Laying out the consequences. He may be the ‘silly old man’ but I’m sure he has someone on staff that is a bit more in touch and could brief him on what to expect.

Totally agree. Yes, Woo can direct the shit out of an action set piece - but without that easy charm it could end up just another action movie.

Check out drummer Louise Bartle’s band Novacub. All good stuff

Ok, just being picky but he didn’t say he ‘can’t stand The Witch’ but that he ‘can’t stand watching The Witch’. It’s different. He says he knows it’s got good stuff in, but it’s more to do with his approach to the film than the film itself. 

I’d got with (from these) Magpie and Calendar Man with Court of Owls. Calendar Man offers nice structure - Halloween for spooky opening 30mins (Joker Cameo again?), then Thanksgiving (bring in family issues), then build up to Christmas finale. Surprise, Christmas not the big climax but is New Year. With Magpie, Wayne

Agree. You could do the Friends Kids. Follow Ben as he hangs out with his mates with the occasional cameo from embarrasing Dad Ross. 

Again, with Ghostbusters the logo plays a big part in that mass adoption. Even people who never saw Batman or Ghostbusters would recognise the logo. 

With you on that one. For me it made perfect sense. Joker was Batman’s biggest bad guy so made sense it was the Joker who created Batman 

It was the logo. Simple Yellow on Black. Such a great branding tool. Remember I had it on a jumper. Pretty sure the posters were just that logo as well. 

My take is accents for the sake of humour is racism, people making money by exploiting someone else’s culture is cultural appropriation. People taking parts of other cultures they have been inspired and weaving into their experience and art, is inspiration.

Emmerich playing fast and loose with the term ‘original’ there.