You’re thinking of Home Alone
You’re thinking of Home Alone
Yeah, but they could easily do a flash back at the end to show that it was actually her turning the stove on and lifting the knife.
Easy fix. Instead of having a post-credit sequence, have a pre-credit one that catches you up. ‘Previously, in the MCU...’
Didn’t realise that. But still, they could have held out
Maybe a lift to limbo, or Van to Valhalla?
From the producer of...’Momentum’, and.... Well, i’m sure it’s not just a cash grab by someone with no talent. No at all. How the James Dean estate let these two get hold of his image rights is beyond me.
Thank you
Maybe it’ll be the Janets. At the end all the Good and Bad Janet’s merge into just Janet as the Bad Janet accepts that humans are good.
Because if arrogant white men can succeed in the real world, why not in the Good Place.
The difference between Thrones and HDM, is that Thrones was a political allegory, so having multiples groups/stories fighting for power was key; while HDM is a religious one, so it makes sense to have the story focus on a ‘chosen one’ and how a single person/being (God/Jesus/Lyra etc) can change the whole world(s).
With the books you are more free to slowly build characters, tension and worlds. TV doesnt provide that so much. People are much more likely to turn off TV if they dont understand than put down a book after 100 pages
Pullman wanted Sam Jackson. Which would have been awesome. Snakes on an airship
Or see your comments and think ‘insightful’
Yeah, good point. But Wilderpeople had some heart to it. Shadows was a full on spoof. Think he needs to find his balance a bit. Loved Ragnarok but felt Thor in Endgame was out of place and jarring
Better than most but just felt like a retread of the film instead of exploring something new.
Loved Thor Ragnarok, What we do in Shadows (film not average TV show) and Wilderpeople, but recently finding Taika Waititi to be unbearably smug. And the trailers for these seem to fall into the smug, “aren’t I zany” camp. Hoping to be proved wrong though.
I think there’s a difference between people having produced dated comedy in the past and being called out for it, and people today doing insensitive comedy. But as Maron says, you’re free to do whatever you want, you just need to be able to have the courage of your convictions, to be able to argue your corner and have…