
Loved early Arrested Development but with seasons 4 and 5 it feels like they’re trying to force the magic. Clearly not everyone gets on, people are busy and the hearts just aren’t in it. Should have either left it after season 3 or just done the film version they promised to wrap everything up

Every time I take a trip or head for a night out, I still imagine that amazing things could happen in the next X hours. They don’t but still..gotta have hope.

As a fan, I’d be happy to see various versions of the Joker on our screens. But I wouldn’t want to be the marketing department at Dc trying to sell the various films to the general public - just look at Solo.

Not sure about Miller - he’s a bit too, intentionally quirky. It’d feel a bit like the Johnny Depp version. Gosling I could see, Glover definitely. How about Glen Howerton?

Not sure I’d describe the likes of Helena Bonham Carter and Cate Blachett as “capable” - kind of underselling them a bit.

Like that the Transformers are a little more recognisable when in robot form - big chunks of metal and colour instead of the generic metal shards approach taken in the other movies.

All journalists in rom coms are like this. They get one story to work on, spending months doing it and nothing else, use little sources or actual research and write it like a teenage diary entry.

I did realise that when I started to look back and see how long ago it was since the first series. 2003! 15 years ago.

5 episodes in and two questions - what is with the awful music and what’s happened to Gob’s face?

Think the issue was that Hollywood moves and Hong Kong movies have a very different aesthetic and style. The OTT Hong Kong style just wouldn’t play in American movies. Locals loved it because it was what they were brought up with, while foreign audiences loved it because it was different and new. But if you try and

With Jamie Foxx

I know Joel Schumacher gets a lot of sticky but if his Batman had been a mix of Lost Boys and Flatliners, it could have been genuinely great. It looks like the studio took the worst bits of his style (neon) and ditched the darker aspects.

As the article states, words are supposed to have double standards. Context can pretty much define a word. Take contronyms - words that mean one thing and their exact opposite. And the n-word is the same - and could almost be a contronym - to many it’s a sign they dislike someone, to other sit’s a sign they like them.

Donald Glover’s hand movements and ‘Pockets’ bit - laughed so much.

Interesting this came out before Get Out. Has a lot of parallels.

Assuming when they say paying $125m for it, that’s the budget, not that they’ve made it and they’re paying $125m to buy it?

Beat me to it.

“Books are the one realm where I often have a hard time just letting go and enjoying a pulpy paperback.” Me too. Why is that? I’m happy to watch crappy action movies, silly comedies and crappy rom coms, but with books I struggle to enjoy pulpy stuff. On that note, i’m currently reading Ham on Rye by Bukowski, which at

Spider-Man: Ashes to Ashes?

Also, bit of a spoiler so look away if you must..