
By far Thesaurus is my favorit!! or should I say Tessoruss!

I love the part where he SMASH the lil mighty max!!!!

They increased speed gradually. For instance at the end they could be even faster!!

Photoshopped booty??? com'on it is right?

For those who care. The guy said that it's 350meters long :P

I think they are average crazy.... this doesn't look like a swimming pool, just some random basin with dirty water. If it was a true swimming pool the guy would break his swimming pool's liners so easily!!

I've seen it since more than 2 years in the french sport retailer DECATHLON. Checkout their tent opening in 2 seconds!

Stupid (or not?) question: Why don't we see the stars on all the pictures ?

Getting tiny ads that I don't even notice to use an awesome service for free ? I absolutely don't care :D

Agree to all of them! I love to read the french newspaper LeMonde and the NYT. But both have website that seem to "catch up" their competitors! but still a lot of work to do!

First time gizmodo talks about some place where i've actually been!!

There is no argu here: T-R-O-L-L. You wanna know why? Check on the picture, the guy has an avatar. Unless this is the "basic" avatar for everyone, the guy is just having fun with the forums' team :)

Hum the guy Photoshopped a Sony NEX-5 with an iPhone in it. That's an ok accessory but the "screen" must not be one of the most expensive part of a camera, moreover, how do I check my calls ? text message ? That's not a really productive idea I think.

Not enough to drop my Sony NEX-5 ;)

I can't help thinking the camera used to film this much cost thousands of thousands of dols!

WSJ +1000. I absolutely agree with their logic.

I see one tiny difference that do make a lil difference IMHO. I know it doesn't change the fact they act like they are in an anarchy but when we look at Anon vs Lulzsec, everyone agrees to say that they target people instead of hurting a large group of people, e.g. giving away thousands of innocent name/email/pw on

"...seductive girlfriend pictures ...."

To those wondering, it's the same as listening to radio and recording songs = absolutely illegal ;)

Ok now the word "paranoid" is the right word.