
@Mr Multiverse +1.

Already a spicy answer on Anonymous' Twitter :P

Been there, done that —> Google Docs...

I partially agree. I've read an article on the french newspaper LeMonde, that had quotes from IRC chats with Lulzsec. And apparently one of their members stopped for a minute and told his friends "do you realize what we did and all the people after us?"

Shame on me but i recently discovered these kind of noodles that you prepare super fast.

Duhh it's celine dion :P

Got it!

I don't think they'll ever do any anti-piracy again.

Honestly I agree to the fact that it feels better to have a physical object but still. 100$ of software you can grab everyone's most important apps with this (1password, iWork or MS apps, Reeder and a few games ;) ).

Best RSS app on Mac OS I have ever seen since I use my mac! Ergonomic, beautiful, intuitive, a lil pearl ;)

Scary shit!

That's exactly what I was thinking about when I saw it. A tiny hand that get there one second might not be able to leave...and the whole body might go in it as the bench did at the end!!

I love my NEX5 so much! Many times I made my friends owning reflex ashamed of it after taking ages to find the right settings!! It takes beautiful picture and is so simple!

ohh a text message when there is no connections. That sounds great!!

Hey guys, is this iMessage app sending TEXT messages like SMS or using the 3G like whatsapp does ?

Any idea about what is this orange laser we see in the middle of the video ?

Personally I discovered the advantages of FLAC files only recently (i know shame on me!). But I found a great solution : I downloaded SoundConverter from the appstore that can change FLACs in ALAC or Apple Lossless files if you prefer.

Wait are those shapes of people on the picture suppose to symbolize the size of this computer ? HUUUUUGE!! Sound like the first computer in the past!

I had one question regarding Twitter: If someone like Khaddafi is hiding and twitte a message, can we find him ? does every twitte bear an IP address, so a location ? or only the time the twitte was posted and nothing else ?

To me it sounds obvious that it's simply some machine gun shooting continually with a photographer that left the aperture open for a lil while. Tada!