
The most hilarious thing is that they think they can game the discourse to end his presidential bid. Like people are just going to say, “Oh shit, really? How have I liked Sanders all this time? That’s the last straw, I’m over him!” when they spew their latest talking point about his age, or whatever. The Sanders

It’s hilarious how some people have decided they can game the discourse to get people who currently like Bernie not to like him anymore. Do you really think that his extremely diverse (no matter what you say, it’s proven by polls) group of supporters is suddenly going to be like, “Oh shit, heywhat just busted Bernie’s

Nobody cares about this fake attitude, where you pretend that you love the guy, but there’s a big-ass “but ...” clause attached to it. Sanders is the front-runner right now. That’s just a fact. So he created a front-runner by entering the race. There you go, that’s the guy. This as opposed to media types who are

Hillary not campaigning in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania is what got us Trump. Stop acting like Sanders had anything to do with that shit. It was 100% political malpractice on her campaign’s part.

Not enough people are like you for it to be worth it to car makers, I guess.

Well I mean, you’re obviously incredibly angry. Not sure what else to say.

The problem is that they know “may” is most likely equivalent to “won’t.” Car makers have tried to make enthusiasts happy plenty of times before, so this is not a chicken/egg scenario. They are reacting to you guys, not the other way around.

The ability for me to make a choice does not exist, because the car is not offered in the U.S.

As somebody who lives in, you know, Canada, I never understand the American penchant to paint “Socialism” as a boogeyman.

Damn. If the manual estate were to come to the U.S., and if the reliability were at least average, it could have been my next car. I would have seriously considered foregoing AWD for it.

The programs are there to be used. Do you pay more taxes than you owe on principle, or do you use every single tax advantage and loophole at your disposal in order to reduce what you owe? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

The programs are there to be used. Do you pay more taxes than you owe on principle, or do you use every single tax advantage and loophole at your disposal in order to reduce what you owe? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

That has no bearing on whether it will happen for cars or not. Face it, you just want to be santimonious and angry about something, so you’re digging.

Good. He’s going to run, he’s going to win the primary, and you’re going to happily vote for him in the general.

There are plenty of people, including most Jezebel authors, who do not believe that these can mutually held opinions. So many people have gotten so deep into zero-sum identity politics that they refuse to see the obvious lies right in front of them and can rationalize anything for the cause.

Nobody. #MeToo is so slim on examples at this point that we’re basically down to ‘90s alt-country never-was’es and their ancillaries nobody has ever heard of before.

Five people on Twitter care about this non-story. This is meaningless.

Have you ever seen Schumer speak publicly? He pretty much is a walking Jewish stereotype. I know it ain’t popular to say that shit, but it’s true. A dude can’t help his looks and mannerisms, can he?

I feel so incredibly sorry for any reviewer who catches the SNL beat. Why does anybody still do recaps of this horrible show?

It’s probably not the best idea to go hunting around for opinions to shed. I mean, isn’t that a sort of work in and of itself? If you’re scrolling through Twitter looking for opinions not to have anymore, you’re still scrolling through Twitter, which is a fundamentally useless practice. The goal shouldn’t be to attain