
? Nobody is saying she “consented” to a cracked skull. (Sidenote: weird that you’re couching it in the language of sex and rape.) Prosecutors had to prove intent to kill to get a murder charge to stick. A cracked skull in a car crash (or even a fight!) isn’t “evidence” that one person wanted to kill the other person.

I didn’t. I assumed this was in the U.S., because Jezebel mainly covers the U.S.

Jezebel is a stan for Cardi B. Because Jezebel populated or inflected by a white women sensibility, its editorial leadership and writers perform their white guilt by going all-in for Cardi B (and Beyonce), a WOC. “Look, we’re not the bad kind of white people, we LOVE Cardi B!” is the subtext. All of Cardi B’s actions

Man I also love making up hypothetical scenarios to get myself angry!

That rationale might work in The Root’s comment section and on Twitter, but that’s an unconvincing argument in court. 

It’s interesting that you’re framing this through the lens of journalism, because Hot97 tweeted out a deceptively edited video of this encounter. It’s effectively edited in the Reality TV style way, where tension is truncated (and thus, heightened) and facial expressions are swapped in with creative license. There’s

You’re an idiot.

Stop gaslighting me!

I’ve been a mod on a Gaming website for nearly 10 years, so I know better than you!

Saying you’re wrong ≠ gaslighting.

I’m not saying they will or won’t stick around -- we don’t know. I’m saying that based on their one post, it’s silly to call them a troll. Trolls often traffic in contrarian points of views, but not everyone who has a contrarian point of view is a troll. It’s confusing, I know!

Life. Because he’s dead. Because Cyntoia Brown shot him in the back of the head when he was sleeping.

It’s not a ‘stand your ground’ case if the “aggressor” was sleeping. “Evidence shows Allen was asleep when he was shot dead with a gunshot wound to the back of his head. His hands were underneath his body and partially interlocked indicative of a person who is sleeping. When Brown left Allen’s house, she took his

Evidence shows Allen was asleep when he was shot dead with a gunshot wound to the back of his head. His hands were underneath his body and partially interlocked indicative of a person who is sleeping. When Brown left Allen’s house, she took his wallet, guns, and his car.

I don’t think only having one post always = troll. Trolls often stick around and have more than one post. Sometimes people with one post are people who are local to the story in question and came across it through Googling, etc. ie, they weren’t previously familiar with The Root. Posting a different point of view

lol ok you do you. You’re electing to ignore well-researched hard drive failure rates because “all drives eventually fail”

lol ok you do you. You’re electing to ignore well-researched hard drive failure rates because “all drives eventually

It’s because Gawker doesn’t exist anymore.

I’m not doubting your experience, but it’s just an anecdote of one consumer, and a small sample size — and thus, pretty unhelpful for others making purchasing decisions. Here’s a better survey, with a larger sample size that, consequently, reaches a different conclusion than your anecdote.

I’m not doubting your experience, but it’s just an anecdote of one consumer, and a small sample size — and thus,

FYI Seagate drives are statistically much much less reliable than most other hard drive brands.

FYI Seagate drives are statistically much much less reliable than most other hard drive brands.