
Fantastic episode! I loved it. Good review. And a nice little acknowledgement there at the end about how the A.V. Club's "Sunny" reviewers have been getting torn to pieces the last couple of seasons. So the new guy's name is Dennis, eh?

I've seen tons of movies. Don't tell me what I have or have not done. This movie looks like absolute shit, and it got an "F" from the people who have seen it on this site.

My phone doesn't need a password to access voicemail. You just press the voicemail button and it plays the message. Guess different phones are different.

It's extremely rewatchable. You notice tons of things you didn't see the first time when you were so focused on the plot.

He just pooped in your living room and would like you to inspect it and let us all know. Thanks!

Pretty sure she's been hittin' this show … hard.

EVERYONE dies. The only thing worth discussing is the order it happens in. And it ain't gonna be Walt till the motherfucking end. 

EVERYONE dies. The only thing worth discussing is the order it happens in.

Rabies doesn't kill you right away. You're infected, then you die much later, and you don't necessary understand why.

He's paying attention … are you?

He's reporting to his connects in the Mexican cartels right now.

Yeah obviously they wanted everyone to think that.

Based on the trailer, this movie looks like one of the worst of all time. 

What. A. Pussy.

Walt is an evil mastermind—how can you NOT root for him? Why are all these television reviewers so sanctimonious? You know it's also FUN to root for the bad guy, right?

Community will certainly be remembered as the best thing Donald Glover ever did. I predict this dude's career is going down in flames.

Finally, the reviewer admits this show sucks! This episode was actually better than last week's funeral travesty, but still, I don't think I'll be back next year. Good-bye, True Blood, there are so many better shows on TV!

Hank went into work and called a meeting presumably to tell them what he knows.

Nice idea, but I don't think there's time for that.

Goddamn it, I wanted the Hank-Jesse conversation to close out the episode. I can't wait seven days!