
As always, Pamela remains awful.

This review is a lazy mess … every time I check back in with the A.V. Club I regret it.

Dennis's insane screaming rant about the finisher car is one of the best things I've ever seen.

I guess we're supposed to feel bad for Hannah, but I really don't. She should have done the adult thing and just broken up with him before leaving town. How old is her character supposed to be again? I dunno, she's just obnoxiously naive.

She is unfunny to the point that it's painful to watch.

The shellfish thing was too gross for me, but otherwise I agree and love her too.

Another great episode!

The reviewer outsmarted himself with this low grade. Don't overthink it, dude.

To me that was a classic.

Whatever, Shameless is always fun to watch. It amazes me the way these reviewers seem to think they have to gripe about something.

Oh to bury my face in Allison Williams' ass!

Griping that a TV show is not plotted the way you personally would have liked is such a lame way to review something. It was tense, exciting, and unpredictable—in other words lots of fun to watch. I bet the next one will be too, despite the reviewer's very subjective beef with the plot.

Agreed. They are really dragging things out. With eight episodes per half season, and a two or three month hiatus, each episode should be more substantial than this. I guess a lot of people find Daryl and Carol wandering around mumbling things to each other riveting though.

Sorry but this episode was majorly SLooooooooooooooooW.

That falling van scene was not "just fantastic." It looked fake as hell! It didn't do "a somersault" so much as magically straighten out between cuts. Poor editing.

I think it's twins, a la Full House.


Man, Homeland sure does know how to crank up the crazy! But who told the reviewer it was OK to enjoy it?

"which at least try and address the club’s toxic masculinity"

Wow, well I really enjoyed that. Why do I keep checking in on the AV Club's annoying reviews? I really gotta cut it out.