
Hahaha, so awesome!

The only way Jimmy is not dead is if the henchman didn't go on the boat with Nando for some reason and Jimmy somehow got the upper hand on Nando. But why wouldn't the henchman go with? I see no plausible way that Jimmy's alive.

He's scared.


It's not taking it in the butt that makes a man gay, it's getting all mushy about it.

There's an edit button.

What about the way he scrunches his forehead up till his veins are about to burst? So INTENSE.

I must be a jabroni because I think Jimmy/Steve is DEAD. 

My friend called it a "trouser hog" last night.

OK, but her character on THIS show has like zero personality.

That whole plotline—her character, her kids, Ron's relationship with her/them—is very unconvincing. Ron belongs with Tammy 2. Or he needs to find his Tammy 3 …

This episode was vaguely annoying. The misogyny jokes felt pretty obvious and kinda stupid, honestly (garbage collector … yeah, lots of women want that job), and I'm never going to be convinced that Ron would go for that woman and her annoying kids. (One of the best moments was him drinking desperately as soon as he

I feel the same way. Back the Dedication and Drought heyday I was a huge Weezy fan. Now I'm just wondering WTF happened …


Son of a BITCH. This show is great. These major TV networks are the worst. Maybe the show can be picked up by a cable channel that actually knows good comedy—like FX.