
“By providing emission free vehicles that only the rich can afford?”

It doesn’t get much more official than a public statement from the big man in charge.

If the drive is the vacation, when why are you so strongly against a slightly longer drive?

There are some things you could do with a horse and carriage that you can’t with a gas car. Does that automatically make the gas car not a replacement for a horse and carriage? The gas car certainly seems to have replaced the horse and carriage as far as I can tell.

Don’t try to make MPG and MPGe ratings into something they aren’t. They were never meant to be a way to measure the cleanliness of the vehicle or the efficiencies of the entire supply chain. They simply measure the efficiency of the vehicle once it’s been filled with fuel. If you wanted an MPG rating that looked at

Nostalgia. What you’re saying is that electric cars can’t have the nostalgia element of a gas vehicle. That’s afine argument to make. Different technology will never feel the same as what came before. That’s just the way of the world.

The point of the home charging comment was almost certainly to point out that the superchargers won’t need to handle nearly as much traffic as gas stations. Gas stations must be used to refuel after both local travel and road trips. Superchargers only have to handle the vehicles going on road trips thanks to home

Why can’t supercharger technology scale? They’re cheaper than gas stations. In just over three years, Tesla has built 598 supercharger stations world wide. There are currently 10 more undergoing construction as we speak and 20 more that already have permits. Not bad for a car company that only started building cars 8

Hydrogen just can’t ever match the efficiency of batteries. The only thing batteries are waiting on is cost reductions really. Those are happening at a fairly stay and continuous rate.

I’m not sure why they’re so aggressive, but they’re not wrong. Hydrogen is much less efficient than batteries.