
If your gear carried forward what would there be to be do in the new game other than the story? Collecting gear is what the game is about. A fresh start means past balancing mistakes left behind. The 10 year plan was always meant as a 10 year plan for the franchise, not for a single instance of the game.

At the most basic peoples reviews are a tool to help other people decide whether or not to spend money on a game. If one does not pay for a game then their opinion of the game means less to someone that is trying to decide if they should or should not open their wallet.

I really do feel for the employees. I worked multiple call center jobs over the years where upsell/addon/bundling pushing was not part of the job at first and over time it went from “hey you can make bonus money” to “you must at least try to offer this” to “mandatory upsell quota” rather quickly.

They are not.

It is hard to explain the fishing. The green bar has momentum so regardless of your input device you need to get a feel for tapping. Either quick taps to bounce the bar and keep it in one place, or longer to send it up (or counter act a lot of downward momentum). Just keep practicing and as you level the bar gets

If you are not already too set in your ways I highly recommend switching to control layout C. I spent about 10 hours with type A constantly cursing how challenging it could be to move my right thumb between the stick for camera controls as well as attack and block. It also made little sense to lock on and warp

I don’t use wait mode but I have seen that the Ascension tree allows you to improve wait mode if that is your thing. One unlock resets the wait timer with each enemy kill.

It hardly matters anyway. I just built a new gaming rig that is pretty decent but not over the top. $1500 later and I can kinda play 4k games. Ps4 Pro and Scorpio won’t come anywhere near running games at real 4k. All that talk about upscaling? Well if that is the standard for getting to 4k then why should I buy

I think I recall them making reference to exchanging credits for time in the park so perhaps it is less employee discount and more earned time in park?

But the raid is what destiny PvE is all about. If you didn’t even try that then you didn’t even really try RoI. It does take a bit of time to gear up, but if it didn’t then there would be no barrier to filter out the chaff. I personally appreciate that since I PUG the raid every week and already find too many

I wish people would stop saying this. If anyone honestly believes that their only obstacle to getting the raids done is a matchmake button then they are in for a world of disappointment if they ever actually get it.

But 365 is ample for running the entire raid (or at least the first two bosses easily)...the only real disadvantage is that if you are 365 right now then you are behind the curve and it makes getting into a competent PUG harder.

Upscaling helps a little, and I totally agree that most people (myself with my bad eyes especially) will not notice the difference. What I do notice a difference in is the smoothness of a higher stable frame rate. I hope that both sony and ms remove theirs heads from their asses and do NOT force us to try for 4k. I

Rendering at one resolution and faking the rest is the very definition of upscaling....

That is my position on this as well. I am pumped for Scorpio, but I know (not doubt, know) that it will not be rendering at true 4k at least not at more than 10 fps. I have a 4k tv and I want my next console purchase to play UHD bluray, have a 4k interface, and most importantly I want to be able to opt for full 1080 @

This wasn’t really a smack in the mouth. It is better then the Xbone S, but that is more accurately compared to the PS4 slim anyway. If you compare this to Scorpio directly then they are bringing a weaker offering to market earlier (still a very good thing for Sony). I believe the leaked docs show that the PS4Pro has

The PS4 was a better value for sure, but that was only because MS foolishly tried to force the kinect on people. Once that was removed from the equation the prices became comparable and even tilted in favor of the xbone. The PS4 definitely has a bit more power but that is rarely seen and is far from enough power to

I have always felt the same way. I was okay with modern warfare 4 since the kill streak rewards were sort of helpful but easy to avoid/disable. Later MW games kept ratcheting it up to the point where it was like “you know what that guy on the 15 killstreak needs? An AC130 to rain death from the sky!” It only makes it