Hi. Welcome to the interpretation of art, which is completely subjective. What exactly is your problem with black people interpreting Game of Thrones to have meaning for them?
Oh hell, did anyone else have “hey guys blacks had slaves too” on their Missing the Point bingo card or did I just win this thing?
If you were raised properly, you would know the “ They did it first!” excuse is not accepted from Kindergartners, let alone adult racists.
You guys ever read an interview with someone and say to yourself at the end: “Holy shit that guy was on a lot of cocaine.”?
Why assume no one knows a word just because you had to look it up?
“ the Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show,”
Thank goodness. I was beginning to think they were barbaric savages for a second there.
I don’t know... I don’t think your life has to be completely empty and awful in order for you to think some pictures are shitty.
Your kid had mental problems. They didn’t you could help them or maybe that you even would help them. Suck it up and stop with the idea that if it just hadn’t been for some “game” all the youths are doing, they would have been fine and with you now. People who succeed at killing themselves aren’t doing it by…
I’m reminded of the blowback against RuPaul for using those words. Like you’re really going to act like RuPaul is the problem here? Ru’s so clearly on the correct side of the issues that attacking him makes it clear how much of a thought exercise (and not an effort to enact change outside of the internet) all of this…
I mean, it’s just too much. Everybody has the right to demand courtesy and respect from those around them, obviously. I would never dream of purposely misgendering someone, and I strive to treat everyone with compassion and in a way that makes them feel comfortable. Everyone should act however they like wrt gender…
Unfortunately. It’s amazing how much people on this comments section have been complaining about how ‘white feminists’ feel about Trans people, when it’s mostly cis-het white men doing the oppressing. And again, women get the lion’s share of the blame for existing and feeling discomfort at the attempt at erasure of…
And I think it’s just as important for the Trans community to understand that cis-women have been historically controlled through their reproductive organs. This is one aspect of ‘womanhood’ that they will never be able to understand. And that is not the fault of cis-women, all of whom would very much not like to be…
So now you’re threatening violence to women who don’t speak the way you want them to speak. Ok.
Lololololol this is absolutely lovely. I hate transwomen and I am contributing to countless deaths by talking about how in some spaces, cis women are silenced! Lolololol I’m not even sure if you’re real at this point.
I had this discussion with a cis gendered gay male friend who is active in the LGBTQIA community and advocacy. Cis-women have been historically controlled through their biology. This is truly a thing that isn’t about transwomen and however awful their struggle is, they will never have to fear a certain serious subset…
fuck off