I’m all for punishing sex offenders but mandatory castration has no place in civilized society, period.
I’m all for punishing sex offenders but mandatory castration has no place in civilized society, period.
You forgot Caster Semenya breaking the record for sheer volume of white tears generated for a single track event.
Can someone help me out? I still don’t understand why they bothered to make up the robbery story. Were they so upset about the ordeal at the gas station that they wanted to take it out on the entire country of Brazil?
Thank you ‘Pun Croc,’ I totally believe you.
Did you have time to get a feijoada on either of the saturdays that you were there? Was it amazing?
And fireworks, don’t forget those. Big and Little Sebago getting lit up once a year by New Hampshire’s finest.
It’s not. A lot of people can’t watch the livestream during work hours so we depend on the NBC broadcast.
Damn, I knew I would have to stay off of Twitter to avoid spoilers but I didn’t think I’d have to avoid Jez entirely too :/
When i moved from manhattan to queens my broker laughed in my face when i asked if the building had fios.
Funnily enough, one of the better dancers in the cast (the guy who plays ‘Ice’) did the singing for Riff in the Jet Song.
I believe she said though that by the time the recording for ‘A Boy like That’ took place she was so voiceless from all the filming and recording that she just didn’t have the low notes any more.
An extremely lovely and beautifully talented lady that I saw in person once but was too shy to say hello to. May she rest in peace.
Was it ever discussed to spell it “Latinex” instead of “Latinx?” I ask because the pronunciation has been described as “Latinex” and by the logic of all other pronunciation (i.e Sphinx, Lynx) “Latinx” would be pronounced “Latinks.” Also ‘e’ fairly neutral, isn’t it?
SHE’S 39
4/10 trolljob.
Radar Online provided a link to the actual police reports:
Let’s put it into perspective: yes, his father was abusive. Yes, you could say that the way he was a child star made it so he never had a childhood.