Why is it that crap like this can come out but I'm still waiting for a new Double Dragon, River City Ransom, Battletoads, Final Fight and Streets of Rage?
Why is it that crap like this can come out but I'm still waiting for a new Double Dragon, River City Ransom, Battletoads, Final Fight and Streets of Rage?
I bet there was a collective jaw drop in the audience over the art style. It truly is Epic Yarn.
"..relayed stories to the game designer about the spiritual awakenings of some of his Space Shuttle colleagues—previously "hardcore atheists"—after having spent some time on the moon, seeing Earth from such a great distance."
I'm not seeing anything about them making the actual quality of their online service better. If I get a Call of Duty or other online game I play it on X360 because the connection quality is superior and lag is far less. Without that basic service upgrade, PS3 loses... Still...
This is what happens when casual gamers start to think they're hardcore and companies that wring their IPs dry spend too much money to impress. Spike, G4, and MLG all add to the ridiculousness as well. Real gamers think it's all a joke.
@Blastarr: They already released that on XBLA also.
These will definitely lead to Beatmania....
I love how when normal people are crooks big companies tear them to shreds, yet when big companies are crooks normal people can't do a damn thing. As soon as companies stop over-charging, outsourcing to other countries, and just plain stop being douchbags, I will stop pirating. Until then, they can expletive…
@UWAZell: At my job I get raises based on performance, or as they say "merit". Total number of raises for 2+ years of work = 0.
Game Boy Advance was not a Super Nintendo. It was a 32 bit-system. I would say GBA lands between Super Nintendo and PlayStation. Sort of like the Saturn: Sure it COULD do polygons, but God they look ugly. And the DS was not a Nintendo 64. Anyone who can truly say that Mario 64 DS looked better than the original needs…
Final Fantasy on NES = $1.00!
Geez, am I really this far out of the loop? And what's wrong with Winrar?
I skipped straight to the top 10, gotta say, I'm not impressed with ANY of empire's lists, (which is a nice way of saying they're idiots), this one especially. Author seems to love his PC gaming too much.
So 11.5 million lives ruined isn't enough? Oh, wait, I forgot friends and family, that's probably another 50 million live ruined...
Hulk and Iron Man look terrible in 3D, and especially doing Hyper Combos. They should have stuck with hi-res 2D like BlazBlue, or made it a new entry into the VS series, not a direct sequel.
Stop caring about what anyone else thinks. My dresser doesn't have drawers of clothing, it has drawers of games. The CDs in my car? 99% video game music. To a normal person, I'd be a nut. Even my wife doesn't get it. Anyone who doesn't get it is either ignorant, stupid, or just not interested enough to really try to…
@SSHOLE: Seriously. PSP Hacking FTW. I like to actually feel buttons, not tap virtual ones.
@berserker7force: Man, everyone is blinded so easily. GameStop isn't intending to benefit their customers at all, they're only using this is a way to trick people into spending more money. If GameStop was really trying to do us favors, they'd lower their prices or not bend us over on trade ins. Every month they post a…