
@VagEnthusiast: It takes literally 1 minute to connect the Wii to the internet. They made it incredibly easy, even for people who aren't technically inclined. And I didn't say anything about not liking DOOM, so maybe sir, YOU need to read what I write. I was referring to an article concerning someone who had never

This website makes me laugh so hard. People who've never played DOOM before. People who can't connect their Wii to the internet without calling Nintendo Tech Support.

@jayntampa: It is required for every XBLA Arcade release to offer a demo. It's part of their contract.

@jayntampa: The reason for the delay is elements were discovered in the trial version that are not appropriate for a free DEMO.

@MissAshley42: Regardless of a few liberties taken here or there, any fan should be happy to see their favorite characters given what seems like a good upgrade. It's not like they changed Mega Man from blue to green or something. And granted we don't know what the game is really like, but the point is you should be

@OmegaDez: I could understand what you're saying if this was a trailer for Mega Man 11, but it's something else all-together.

@gandhios: @lightweaponx: I only mentioned those specific games to help people try to grasp the trailer.

To everyone bitching or not getting excited, you obviously aren't Mega Man fans or even played any Mega Man games. So why are you posting shit? Stop trolling.

@Kariodude: At 00.30 it looks like someone, (maybe Zero sans long hair?), carrying Mega Man X. Looks like Mega Man X's body type anyway. 00.54 you can see two characters from Mega Man X series. The girl on the left I believe is Zero's "gf" from X4, and the girl on the right has been in X5 and later. Her name starts

Sorry Mr. McCracken but it has already been done many times.

Where's the boob physics?

@yargh: Yes, but you don't see alcohol companies promoting getting drunk. Ever since I heard Blizzard helped with the WoW South Park episode, I've been anti-Blizzard. It's deplorable for them to think the problem is a big joke.

Now if only they liked their fans enough to prevent WoW and MMO addiction, rather than promote it...

Am I the only one sick of Zombies?

char FAIL[] = "EPIC";

@juxtapose519: I agree, many bonuses suck lately. The Wii has good ones lately, usually involving free Wii points. Plus, a beer belly is still cooler that Street Fighter finger puppets.

@AndrewRyan: Adhominem promoted your comment, I guess he didn't get your message about promoting trolls.

@Adhominem: I had it preordered because I never played the series and it looked and sounded pretty cool. Played GameStop's demo and canceled my order after. Overrated game.