
For reference: this is the original photo.

I prefer the term ‘Irish’ thank you.

Aren’t most adults alcoholics though?

Like, we know the picture is shopped, right? Just need to be on the same page, here. I mean, what is pretty clear is that he’s an alcoholic, that much I feel confident armchair diagnosing with my non-existent medical degree.

Not exactly. The Secret teaches that your thoughts bring about circumstances. So if you think that you are a broke loser, you will stay a broke loser. Now, I don’t believe that you can think your way rich or thin, but I do think that having a positive helps you see the positive in your life, but it won’t magically

Sorry, but you’re simply ignorant. I use the word “ignorant” neutrally. You’re mistaken and uneducated. There’s an important difference between “hurt” and “harm”. Pain is pleasurable to some people. If a person enjoys pain, it’s “love” to give him what he wants and needs. But, like a physician, the cardinal rule for

I find it hard to believe that a broken rib is the result of consensual and careful BDSM. That’s a serious fucking oops.

My last year of undergrad I some how ended up doing a huge essay on Oprah, the culture of affect created by her and her so called experts. I was mostly focusing on the book “A Million Tiny Pieces,”and her initial push and love of it to her finding out that it was largely fake and not a true story. Most of the people

Why do they take off their shirts? To prove they don’t exercise?

They would probably take this comparison as a compliment.

skim heads

I was in a really bad place when the secret got big so I gave it a try because it had that patina of pseudo science to if: luckily I snapped out of it. I’m really glad I didn’t meet a scientologist that year or I’d probably be in the sea org right now.

The Secret is a great book. I picked up a hardcover copy at a used bookstore, glued the back cover shut, cut out the pages, and turned it into a hollowed-out book case for my ereader. I get the occasional odd look, but its from somebody who clearly has no idea what my copy’s secret really is.

Yes because if you don’t look at fat people you won’t get fat. The Secret what a fucking joke. I bet those are the same fucks who voted for #45.

Yes at 30 you are too old to get some of them. Welcome to the club, put on a shawl and pull up a rocking chair.

Dr. Oz gives him a run for his money, though. Not to mention Eckart Tolle or the lady who wrote The Secret, who had less staying power but were somehow even dumber. There are a lot of things to admire about Oprah, but her love of facile pseudo science is not one of them

Stupid. Idk what to say to this tbh. You record yourselves committing a crime, and then you say you’re not guilty even though it’s on video. IF I were them I would just apologize and serve my time at this point cus that’s all you can do...or I guess you could plead not guilty and get a longer sentence.

She should just sell her clothes in Russia... Im sure comrade Putin will allow it...

Why am I not surprised when they say the Presidential COUNSELOR needed to be COUNSELED? It is just one more piece of evidence to the ineptitude of this administration. Head of the EPA (embroiled in lawsuits against the EPA), Head of Education (opposed to public education) I love that they blocked her from a school!

Pence will just issue a blanket pardon after Donnie decides to “retire because he accomplished everything he said he would and the country is in so much better shape now” (not quitting, mind you, “retiring”). The pardon will come before any charges are filed.