Eternal BERN Of The Spotless Mind


Damn. Strong woman indeed.

Unfortunately Chapman is a domestic abuser.

So much cultural appropriation on Halloween and I’m just sitting here like SMH

Truly there are some people who don’t deserve to vote or maybe even talk. Sick shoes though seriously.

Nah, it’s pretty blatant racism and misogyny. Just the fact that Uber is everywhere now proves that the patriarchy isn’t going away without a fight.

Hmm ok ok. I liek where your going with this. Please continue.


Is he talking about Hillary?

I mean, whatever makes you feel comfy. But you’re wrong.

And us Berners will just be here, at home, enjoying bowl after bowl of fine weed whilst watching you idiots duke it out. No thanks.

Most of us Berners were never actually going to vote for Hillary.

Bernie would have crushed Trump.

You are right and Bloomberg is wrong.

So every criminal in America has been prosecuted and is in jail. Got it.

And all I’m thinking is

Would have been so much better off with Bernie.

You are literally making that up. You can find Comey’s statement online.
