The Daily Mail story makes her acount sound credible, and the behavior of the man who molested and raped her certainly sounds like Trump— telling her afterward that she didn’t do a good job.
The Daily Mail story makes her acount sound credible, and the behavior of the man who molested and raped her certainly sounds like Trump— telling her afterward that she didn’t do a good job.
If you watch the NBC/Lisa Myers interview with Broaddrick (linked to in Baker’s piece), you’ll believe that she was violently raped by Clinton. As to Broaddrick’s belief that Hillary tried to intimidate her at a political event days/weeks later, I would put that impression down in large part to her PTSD — although I…
How has she fallen on her sword, or even said that she was wrong to call black youths “super predators”? If she had acknowledged as much to the young woman, and followed it up by saying she’s since learned a lot, the exchange would have been very different. But her hauteur and contempt for a “nobody” presuming to…
I’m surprised and disappointed that Jezebel’s readers are so squeamish and unpatriotic that they’d shrink from a minor sacrifice— (and who among us hasn’t already had sex with at least one Trump-like creep, anyway, and without any benefit to the public weal?). I’d blow a syphilitic penis or even Trump’s every week for…
Oh, god, this is the saddest ever. I can’t believe the monstrousness of these (mostly) women. I don’t have anything. My mother is so in love with all her (now middle-aged, overweight) daughters that we are just perfect and beautiful. She only mentions our looks to compliment them. “Oh, you look so great,” she’ll say…
I recognized one excerpt from Purity, but what were the others??