The BERN Supremacy

Sorry I just don’t believe in nukes. You want to have a war? Fine. But don’t nuclear bomb people.

Right, but once we have the tech down it will be fine. Not that far away imo.

Thank you!!! Needs to stop.

If anything, online voting will ensure we don’t have irregularities.

The fact that we haven’t gotten rid of our nuclear bombs yet is a huge pockmark on what little moral authority this country has left.

I like the idea of online voting. We need to make voting easier for minorities and poor people who don’t have the option of making it to the local polling station or whatever they’re called.

Hillary Clinton is a war-loving career criminal. Wikileaks dumps have proven it.

Fact: “Was not a thing.”

Sorry, what is it that you are getting out of the perpetual-war, crony-capitalist system that Hillary advocates?

I’m not reading your comments.

^Factually not true

Hillary is a war-mongering neocon.

Bro I heard the tape. It’s gross but if you’re saying that’s some sort of proof of sexual assault you are out of your goddamn mind..

Dude... I might vote down ballot. Alright?

Voting down ballot isn’t a bad idea. Might do that actually.

Oh, so Hillary is not a corrupt, lying, war-mongering crony capitalist?

Didn’t read this either. Your insults are boring.

I will not vote for Hillary.

Listen... you are cool with a lying, corrupt criminal as president that will sell whatever democracy we have left to the corporations.

TLDR - welcome to the internet.