
So you are mentally ill. I hope you manage to get help before you hurt yourself or others. Delusions like that can be a dangerous thing.

LGBT people are oppressed, though not much these days with all these new laws.

Only if it were heavily inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics: WotL or Tactics Ogre: LUCT and not XCom or Fire Emblem like they mention. I’d also like an injury system in it like Mordheim.

So she never proved he did anything? So wouldn’t that mean the court ruled correctly in this matter?

If you don’t want someone telling you that gender shouldn’t factor into your vote then you Hillary supporters should probably stop bringing up gender as a reason to vote for her. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Actually, many women are voting for Hillary because of her gender and because of female entitlement.

In the Lovecraft quest you swim down a radioactive hole filled with water to get to a sacrificial shrine and there’s a face of something looking up from the bottom. Maybe it’s a sleeping Old God or maybe it’s just a statue.

So you’re fine with corruption as long as it is entertaining? Sad.

This awards is so corrupt. Fallout 4 didn’t rightfully win any of those categories. Kotaku should investigate this.

God damn them flaunting that Euro only High King Edition of Total War Warhammer on their site!

So little to do in WoW these days that they feel they have to do this. Very sad times for MMO gamers.

So DC is still ruining their comics. Good to know.

Steam continues being the worst...

So taking mods we already have and turning them into DLC to sell as usual. And here I was hoping for the great expansions FO3 got.

This is how the Crips and Bloods gangs got started. These kids and squids are going down the wrong path.

Well to be fair the people against birth control are doing it because they are under the delusion that birth control is killing babies or some religious nonsense. Viagra just gets dicks hard. So that’s like comparing peaches and bananas.

I know about the crystal in Ren’s lightsaber from TFA coming from a KotOR planet, but what’s the thing or stuff in Rebels that is making parts of KotOR canon?

GW2 didn’t spoil you, it probably just rotted your mind because it is a terrible game.

Well Kotaku has surely earned all that disdain. Most gamers despise this site.