You don’t need to explain the plot of Under Siege 2 to me.
You don’t need to explain the plot of Under Siege 2 to me.
Get out.
I found it! The wrongest post on the internet today.
This is the song that plays over the credits of a movie you regret not having walked out of. The movie usually starred Steven Seagal. It’s not even good enough to be the intro or played during the big action scene. It gets put at the end because even straight-to-video action films have shame.
although I disagree with the idea that the movie was not that good I agree that it has nothing to do with the actors involved but moreso a lame story line, I really like the idea of this cast together but do we really have to remake every 80's movie?
No, but I choose to believe she’s just having fun with a truly ridiculous argument the internet is having (really guys, we’re arguing if someone has had their armpits photoshopped. it’s ridiculous.).
Not really, just trying to be irritating.
People that bought into the whole no car lifestyle and depend on a single point of failure for their mobility.
So she basically just has perfect armpits. Not going to lie, I love that this is how she responded.
Well, that is a potent reminder that Washington DC was originally a malarial swamp regarded as a hazard posting by diplomats.
Don't forget who the bad guy is: the guy who helped a washed up wrestler get millions because Gawker invaded his privacy but publishing a sex tape that was filmed without his knowledge but refused to publish pictures of famous Hollywood actresses/models whose pictures were leaked.
When the Hulkster dropped a big leg o’ Justice on Gawker.
Gawker media is acting like a sour ex girlfriend after a bad break up. Shit talking on facebook all day about you. Its pretty funny actually how obviously butthurt they are about the whole ordeal.
“How dare you not remove a board-member whom we disapprove of because he funded a lawsuit against us after we ousted him for being gay directly against his wishes because we don’t feel like he deserves the right to keep such information from the wealthy middle-eastern people he works with?!
Tape creates left over crap that will accumulate dirt and grime and destroy the lens and audio port.
Since Gawker got the shit sued out of them by a Facebook board member
Some theater really needs to do a Waterworld/Wild Wild West double feature. What a night that would be.
Stars: They’re Just Like Us!
I work with a bunch of people from southern India, and none of them know Hindi. Every state in India has its own local languages, and English is the lingua franca that binds them all together.
Hindi is a very contentious issue in India. Only about 40% of Indians are native Hindi speakers. India has the largest number of English speakers in the world, has most education in English, and hence has a large number of magazines, news channels, newspapers and media content in English.