
The Rock should be making triple what Emily makes here, not double. She is beautiful and talented, but the Rock is the most bankable movie star alive right now.

The math with Mayweather is incorrect. 275 million divided by $7500 a minute would mean that he worked 36,666 minutes in that fight. However, none of this takes into account how long he trains for each fight. He puts in way more work than just the actual fight. Still a crazy amount of money though. That’s my two cents

This i the best idea I’ve heard all week

Women’s basketball just isn’t exciting enough to entice people to buy tickets without the emotional connection people have to their college teams.

He’s doing nothing illegal, this is all things a person is free is believe and say.

Thank you! What should the original author done? Scour the streets for a non-white male and put them in the picture?


With everything going on in the world today, this story is not even close to newsworthy.

I don’t see how they are acting in any of these ways. There can be no doubt she is here illegally and has been convicted of multiple crimes. The ICE agents are enforcing the law, not deciding if she is guilty. Certinally not executing her.

I love how no one here wants to talk about this woman’s multiple criminal convictions and prior deportations. Yes it is not ideal that she was picked up at a domestic violence hearing, instead she should have been deported (again) before getting abused.

Good! ICE followed their policy and now there are 2 less homeless illegal immigrants

So now you can judge a man’s guilt based on his name? Pretty sure that’s not politically correct. Guess I shouldn’t name my son Rapey McRapeface

Defamation, not discrimination. And it makes perfect sense if his argument is that he didn’t do it.

Very true that this study doesn't account for productivity. But neither do many jobs. Many jobs bill or pay by the hour, making those who spend more time at work more valuable.

50k in tax breaks for hiring a white woman writer who will probably earn less than that during her job. So basically they are free labor? The company's should hire 100 of them, pay minimum wage and reap the tax benefits.

Samantha Bee is funny but not nearly famous enough to take over that time slot. I can’t think of a woman who is. Now the cause of that might be systemic sexism but that isn’t CBS’s fault

This article was heaven sent for my user name. And yet, I have nothing I feel like adding. Oh well.

Do you not see the part where she is suing for $20 million?

Yeah a very big deal. She will probably get a book deal out of this.

That's a terrible idea.