
I hear you, sure. But I think it’s reasonable to be a little frustrated when an entity that helps itself to as much of your money as it likes does a poor job of managing what they’re doing with that money, and then tells you the solution to their poor stewardship of taxpayer funds is going to take more funds to fix.


It’s hard to know from the outside if a transit system’s woes are caused by poor funding, incompetence, or both. A few years back, the Chicago-area RTA, which runs the elevated trains in the city, among other things, tried to hire a reformer to run things after the previous guy walked in front of a train to avert a

We already pay enough in Taxes - money is not being spent where it should be.

Dude is passing a car in the right lane. That’s not “blocking” anything.

I dunno man. Isn’t this EXACTLY why you brake-check someone? :)

I know, right? Fuck those Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas Uncle Toms, right?

LOL you brainwashed leftist clown. If this were a republican in the exact same situation you'd be the first to scream RAYYYYCCCCISST!!!

Stop being so ignant!

I suspect when she says “Detroit failed” it has to do with the fact that the *water deal* Flint had with our water dept here in Detroit *failed*, and so “Flint jumped ship” and moved from Detroit’s water source back to their own water source/Flint River.

Her area of expertise is promoting herself and bad science.

I don’t trust her, either. She doesn’t even look the same from when she was in the movie!

She’s an attention whore because she goes to places like Flint (and West Virginia) and, instead of working behind the scenes to actually effectuate real change, she uses it as an excuse to draw media attention to herself.

Hate? Who said anything about hating her? I was just going to make some dumb joke about her bad opinions for fake internet points, because that’s better than being productive. Mocking someone’s bad ideas doesn’t mean you hate that person: it just means you think their ideas are bad.

Yeah, she’s not. Now every time I see her involved in something, I get suspicious.

This entire comment section.

It turned out not to be the water either, it was just a random cancer cluster.

It’s about power imbalance. She was a 21 year old intern whom in her own words was “in love with her boss, the President of the United States”. Essentially no different than an undergrad dating her professor - it isn’t appropriate, because their is a difference in their relative power in the relationship. Yes, she was

You do realize that it’s unconstitutional to retroactively invalidate contracts, right?

I tried really (kinda) hard to care about this whole thing. For some reason I can’t muster the level of outrage Alissa can. I’m more pissed off that her greedy, capitalist bosses at Gawker offshored their company to The Caymans to avoid millions in taxes. But hey, they’re lefties.