So edgy! Bowie is dead and who is this woman?
So edgy! Bowie is dead and who is this woman?
I’ll take what are things that the left never asked about Monica Lewinsky for 500 Alex...
So sad that you were treated in such a bigotted way - but then again since your bigotry against “Americans” in general is on display who cares
No rapist has ever existed that was not “charged” - is that right?
I feel like (as repulsive as he is) we shouldn’t be delving in Cruz’ sexual history any more than Clinton’s.
Wow Ellie - you are really working hard to corroborate this story
Has it contributed to a shift in your support for the Clintons? Most specifically the Clinton who is running for Potus, the one who smeared the rape and sexual assault victims of her husband so viciously for years?
I will certainly be buying a ticket illegally streaming it to see The Birth of a Nation when it comes to theaters.
The cause? Flint is broke... figure out why
King WAS a Republican