
I have a 2010 Fit, and the Bolt is what I’m looking at to replace it. It’s getting harder and harder to get an actual car these days, not a truck or a mini SUV that looks like a sneaker. Keeping my fingers crossed.

In this market it just may.

I hope the Bolt sells well after this. They are a great little car. 

Biden is going to get walloped by trump. He’s compromised by his son and if you watch clips of him on the trail he’s coherent only about half the time. He’s showing his age.

Will you also be cancelling “Hillary lost because of Bernie?” Both assertions are equally flawed and sophomoric. 

Are you white? Because I am sick and tired of white people telling black and brown people vote blue no matter who. 

Well considering Wasserman, DNC CEO Amy Dacey, CFO Brad Marshall, and Communications Director Luis Miranda resigned their positions because of them instead of, yknow, denying they were not real tends to make me believe they were.

And I’m saying that’s a cop out. Why weren’t these reactionaries a problem in 2012? 8 years with a black man as president was too much but 4 years was fine?

This is a silly ass cop out. Hillary didn’t lose because the country was destined to swing to the right. You’re essentially saying that no one could have beat Trump if that’s the case. She lost because she was a candidate that the Republican party had spent years running a negative campaign against knowing that she

This is also a dishonest argument. Sure, Bernie and all the other “not Biden” candidates have low support with black voters as a single statistical block by comparison. By huge margins.

However, Biden is not as big a hit with black voters under 45. And the younger these polled voters are, the lower down the rankings he

That seems pretty shortsighted and petty of you. It’s your vote and you can certainly do with it what you want, but I encourage you to give your vote some more thought and not cynically vote for someone like Biden or Pete just because you think you have to (as they have some pretty awful supporters, too.)

He didn’t get it fine but I really, REALLY hated the DNC for showing an impressive amount of bias despite them being all neutral in the public eye thanks to the email leaks: