
In Hungary you tip your server/bartender, but it’s only supposed to be a buck or two (0r 276 forints/.88 euros as the case would be). They don’t expect 15/20% of the bill, but not leaving a tip at all indicates you were unhappy with your service.

My first time in Hungary I tried to order a beer in Hungarian and the bartender told me “Don’t hurt y0urself, I speak English.” I found that in Hungary at least, they appreciate the good faith effort. I’ve also found most people that don’t speak English understand enough of it to sell you some kékfestő.

You are applying the mathematical concept correctly, but you fail to realize that life expectancy numbers are already adjusted for this. Life expectancy at birth was only 25-30 years because of all the dead kids dragging down the numbers. Lifespan and life expectancy at maturation still topped out at 54 years prior to

I was unaware of that. The pool of potential winners would seem to be so small I did not imagine that an acronym was actually in serioues use. I will stand by my statement that “lifetime achievement Emmy” sounds better and is more informative than “quarter way to EGOT” for the title of an article.

HBO picked up Game of Thrones because yes it is very good, but also because George R.R. Martin worked on HBO shows as a writer, shopped to them everything he ever wrote, and wrote A Song of Ice and Fire deliberately to be very filmable. Heck he shelved the series for a couple years because he was trying to get HBO to

Historical life expectancy at birth was 25-30 years because of the high infant mortality dragging the numbers down. Historical lifespan measurements or life expectancy at maturation still topped out at 54 years prior to the 1960s. Historically people absolutely dropped dead in what we would now consider ‘middle age’.

Right and McDonald’s must serve the best hamburger in the world because they sell so many of them... oh wait it is almost like there are other factors involved. Like the resources of HBO’s marketing department, relative ease of format consumption, and shifting societal attitudes towards art. 

They’re good for mini quiches and baked egg cups as well ;)

8 Hour Onions

In the books it is pretty obvious that Robb is set up to get chumped just like his father. It is set up thematically that the apple doesn’t far from the tree, and the ‘Red Wedding’ is a literal “dark and stormy night”.

I had a very enjoyable day at work when ‘Red Wedding’ episode dropped. (For you non-readers in the books it’s pretty obvious Robb is going to get taken out just like his father.)

In the books it is a recurring plot point that Ned’s rigid code of conduct actually makes things worse. His ignorance of the way things work gets a lot of people killed. He may not be unintelligent, but he is certainly lacking in wisdom, prudence, and the better part of valor.

Not at all what I said. I was, in fact, very complimentary of A Song of Ice and Fire, and specifically pointed out that I cast no aspersions on the fandom. I am a member of said fandom.

Can we talk about Lisa? Putting the arguments of an adult in the mouth of child character is some bush league shit, and The Simpsons has been pulling it for years. Older viewers that have been with the show from the beginning will point to “jerkass Homer” as the evolutionary turn that put them off The Simpsons. For

Haha, I just replied to someone up above before I saw the date. Always love it when I get a random response to a comment I made 2 years ago.

We’re to the point that no one should expect privacy if they want to be a content creator on the internet. Do they deserve privacy if they desire it? Yes, absolutely; but they should not expect it.

It is a common thing in SoCal. Population density being what it is people get very tribal. Area code dropping lets people know EXACTLY what you represent.

It was one of my best threats for dealing with lazy subordinates or annoying people: “Hey knock that shit off or I’ll tell you who dies in Game of Thrones!”

Right? Brilliant bit of casting there. Not just a fake out, but a fake out that totally had some big clues you could have picked up on.

Grrr...I really don’t mean to be that snobby prick, but here we go...