If landing a motorcycle on a moving train is not your most death-defying stunt,
If landing a motorcycle on a moving train is not your most death-defying stunt,
I mean Crypto (and NFTs by proxy) are designed exactly for this. Scams, money laundering, criminal activity, fraud. Not a bug, definitely in the design.
I used to be a staunch believer that TWoW will never be released. As I get older though, I have come to believe it will be released, just posthumously, in draft form with some editing. He has some but not all of it, and the whole book will read like a series of vignettes in the lives of characters you might know and…
I saw Logan Lucky (2017) for the first time today, and by far this bit made me laugh the most.
The series’ villains, the Butterflies, have been secretly trying to save our planet because they believe we are incapable of doing it on our own. Are they right?
Just yesterday, before this particular announcement, Disney ALSO announced that they’re appointing someone to lead up their take on the “Metaverse.” So one way or another, they’re gonna trap you in some kind of dystopian altered reality.
The Deadline article this article was based on mentions Disney has tried planned communities before... hell, EPCOT was supposed to be a planned community, but ended up getting scaled back to theme park.
You never just call in the authorities. I think it is a rule of some sort.
Vigilante is a classic comic-relief sidekick. He is actually unusually fleshed out and has his own moments, but nonetheless a big part of his purpose in the show is to keep the comedy beat steady.
I’m still wondering when we will get why Judomaster is in this show. Or if that is the joke. He just appears. Get beaten. Returns later on.
me during the last 5 minutes of the episode: but i want to see the cow!!!
So are we ignoring the revelation that Chris is bisexual? When auggie tells him how awful he is for sleeping w whores and men he doesn’t refute any of it. Its not like Chris to miss the opportunity to defend his masculinity. Idk, bi /pan peacemaker is pretty mint.
The reveal of Chris’ cut-up face after tying the helmet to the raccoon was great, as was Economous’ line. :-D
In my headcanon , Eagley is Keith reinarnated as a bird of prey.I mean ...weirder things have happened in comics!
Not just strong, but tough. Vigilante fell out of the tree onto Goff and it was still in plenty good shape to jump into Song. Plus, you have to assume at least a few of the people who had them jumping into their mouths would have tried to bite down on them, and it had apparently zero effect.
The diary was a bunch New World Order conspiracy mongering from the pages shown. You can read them clearly and it’s all racist and fascist nonsense against Jews, liberals, Democrats, Black people, non-Christians, etc. There’s no mention of aliens.
This show inexplicably just gets better and better, and I say this as someone who wasn’t all that amused by Gunn’s The Suicide Squad (with the concession that it is tons superior to the first Suicide Squad movie). I was genuinely bummed out about Det. Song’s Butterfly assimilation - I had her pegged as the smart cop…
I assume you mean Captain Locke, and I’m pretty sure this confirms that he wasn’t yet a butterfly, just an associate of Murn from his old murdering days. Certainly an odd duck and a psychopath, but just the standard human variety.
Something that did take me by surprise in this episode was how hard the show was willing to be unflinchingly brutal and upfront about it. Just the carnage enacted on those cops during Peacemaker’s escape, which he looked by on, was stunning and that invasion of the police district was pure nightmare fuel.
You know, I realize I’m watching a TV show that is both intentionally comedic and fantastical. I also get that requires certain suspension of disbelief, honestly I get that. But even with that in mind, there are just boundaries that cannot be crossed or else all the structures come crashing down as too much accept.