This looks, uh, bad. Very bad.
This looks, uh, bad. Very bad.
Agree with the others - this is some old-timey in-depth A.V. Club gold. Temerity of the Cockroach stuff.
Stupid rich people.
Richard Anderson has died. Not Richard Dean Anderson, so take a chill pill, Patty and Selma.
Don’t fret, young scribe. The bigger issue is the whereabouts of Democrappic TX Senator Ann Richards during Harvey! She’s out golfing with Obama, probably!
And I can’t tell if your comment is a joke either. Doesn’t this place have emojis? The article mentions the former “Texas mayor”. Everyone knows San Antonio. You wouldn’t call Marion Barry a “former District of Columbia mayor” or Guiliani a “former New York State city mayor”, would you? ;)
Nope - still just the first eight (ish).
Sorry! I do. Sorry!
I have already watched it on a plane and thought it was a sweet, goofy, funny movie with its heart on its sweater. Not sure if I would watch 1 & 2 back-to-back, but I enjoyed it far more than the overwrought British dramas I took my Mrs. L to on date night this summer.
We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks. The privileged comics, I mean. “Have you ever smelled napalm in the morning? It kinda smells like victory!”
So...her friend ghost-wrote a grovelling reply (ludicrously syncophantic but likely right up 45's alley) to help her out, and this is how she says “Thanks but no thanks”?
You always mostly complain too much.
More like wacktivism.
“Dropped some piss”? What is this, 4Chan?
The sets and formations, and how they play out compared to the opposing team’s sets and formations, are supposed to be how success is achieved. As the years go on, more of that is dictated from the sidelines (it’s a big deal to have a QB calling his own plays). So you’re right, it’s truly turn-based...