
JFC this is stupid. There is an easy method to achieve the primary goal of slowing drivers down. Put in 2 lanes, 9 ft wide each to one side of the road, narrower roads tend to get people to slow down naturally, then, create a 1.5 Ft or so wide raised barrier, with some small trees or bushes, this separates the car and

Anyone who’s ever ridden a bike can attest they’ve felt safe and respected by cars in traffic.

UGH. One of the communities near me did a similar thing where they had sidewalks that would alternate between bike path + curb and then 50 foot section of sidewalk on both sides of the road to “calm traffic.” The sidewalk would be in the same place as the bike path was for the last couple hundred yards. And since, as

With my full EV, I only have to plug in once a week. Maybe once every two weeks. With a PHEV, I’d have to plug in much more frequently, making it a hassle (for me) due to my less than stellar access to a plug.

“Wraps aren’t very durabile”

First place I’d want to put an underground rail line is a place like Florida with porous limestone, sink holes, and high tide flooding inland via the porous soil.

Finally someone else says it! I’ve been calling it Gilded Age 2.0 for a few years now! These robber barons are utilizing new technology to circumvent or stay ahead of regulation and crushing their employees and the health and safety of society as a result. No other comparison is as apt. I guess we need Upton Sinclair

Take Fort Lauderdale: The city needed a new train tunnel

We need to convince the robber barons of the New Gilded Age that private railroad cars are the schizznit and should replace their luxury cars and private jets

It’s the billionaires versus ALL OF US... shame we’re too beaten down to do anything about it.

Don’t forget to add the CCS to NACS change for many big EV makers. Lots of people are confused about where they can charge today. I talked to a couple in a Genesis EV rental and talked them through charging on their trip to Napa. The different charge speeds and why they could not use a Tesla supercharger. Why it said

Not saying you’re wrong (I literally have no idea what your individual use case it), but most folks only need hundreds of miles of range when road-tripping. Day-to-day use means waking up with a full “tank” every morning. Can’t think of many folks driving 200+ miles a day regularly.

Now on the road-trip front, the

-The new car market is finally cooling off and EVs are generally more expensive.

Weird. Normal people don’t want to buy a $50k car with 7% interest rates, tech that’s outdated faster than a modern smartphone, a business model that’s constantly pushing microservices, and tracks all your movements with no way to opt out or find out where that information is going?

I don’t know about the Hummer sitting on lots considering so few have even been produced and I have never even seen one on the road. 

I’ve been seeing a lot of Rivian - including the Amazon delivery van - since the beginning of this year. And apart from the Dyson fan headlights on the R1T and R1S, I like them.

I hope Lucid can launch their SUV in time to give them all of the breathing room they need. I really want them to succeed. I’m not sure what it is about the company and their product but I’m hooked (though I know I’ll likely never be able to afford one).

cousin has one- loves it.  no major fit/finish issues to date w/ R1T for him... looking at you, Tesla.

I have a lot more faith in the Rivian business model than the Lucid business model.

Good. I like Rivian, and the people I know with them (both R1Ts and the R1S) like them a lot.