
Hey, Root editors/internet folk? This site doesn’t exactly get a tremendous amount of comments and more than half, at the time of this posting, are currently straight up racist shitposting.

If _______________ has you this shook, then maybe you shouldn’t have a job as a police officer.

Mom always taught me a man shouldn’t fight kids, women, or the mentally infirm. If you can’t handle a child without putting hands on them; you ain’t shit as a cop or a human.

Rule number one of all bullies: bully someone weaker.

I don’t give a shit what happens to Tiger. I just don’t.

Look, it’s not the first time Tiger’s day has been ruined by his driving.

(Let’s just get that one out of the way, shall we? Get well soon, Tiger.)

And why wouldn’t he say this? “It was unforeseeable, we never saw that report that warned that this exact specific thing would happen” worked as an excuse to not get anyone prosecuted or even fired the last time US government facilities in DC were attacked by terrorists. Back then the people in charge were also

Pretty much the ONLY good thing to come out of the last four years is the fact that white domestic terrorists have made it impossible for white folks who aren’t domestic terrorists to ignore them anymore.

“Breakdown in Intelligence” = “We couldn’t be arsed to spy on white people and were spending all our time spying on BLM and other people of their bent.”

yeah i can see how he had no idea. 

Unforeseeable!? The fuck it was. Nothing further. I yield back the remainder of my time.

Just a reminder that we are already past 500k deaths in the US. The official number is an undercount thanks to several states that lied or falsely reported their numbers over the last 11 months. We won’t know the real death toll until after the pandemic is over and we’re able to do some analytics. As tragic as this

It’s worth remembering that there are many indications that death is just one of the severe and persistent effects of covid-19, and happens to be the one most immediately quantifiable (despite known undercounts). Half a million deaths is certainly bad enough on its own, but is hardly the extent of this tragedy.

I know racists aren’t real big on things like “logic” or “seeing the big picture” but the people spreading the virus aren’t the white collar, rich, white, workers who can work from home and pay fees to have their food brought to them, they are the same ones who are getting sick and dying of it.  The poor, usually

Does that mean I’m a racist and I don’t know I’m a racist?

But he is Jewish. So he may not know what its like to a person of color, he damn sure know what racism and bigotry means. 

I cannot expect a white man to ‘know’ what’s it’s like to be a Black person or person of color, just as he shouldn’t expect me to know what it’s like to live a do-as-you-want consequence-free life of white privilege. All that I can ask of anyone regardless of the color of their skin, religious choices, education level

Can Snoop, Meek, Talib Kweli, and Dr Dre just go ahead form a misogynistic rap super group already?

Please file this under: Stuff black folks knew and been known. Now NYPD bullshit your way outta this

Wait, so when a young black mom does it, it’s “child abandonment” ... but when my young white mom did it ... 5 days a week, it was called being a “latch key kid”?