
By not being even remotely as reliable. This engine would NEVER pass a VW group reliability test.

Bugatti used the W16 as a technological showcase because it was the apex of the VR engine development program within VW (remember the Veyron started as a pet project under former VW exec Piech). There is also a W12, which is available in other offerings under the VW umbrella (Bentley, Audi). I think the engine can

There’s a trade off between power and maintenance life. Dragster engines produce thousands of horsepower from a relatively simple 8.2L engine but have to be completely rebuilt after each run (a team can do it in 40 minutes). Could be they expect this engine to need more frequent rebuilds and the Bugatti may have more

For many of these people, their faith is performative. Calling yourself a “good Christian” and going through the motions is what matters. No need to actually engage with what any of it actually means, unless you’re cherrypicking passages to wield as a cudgel against whatever group you don’t like. Never mind the fact

I bet Tesla is going to come out and say the roadster’s top speed is 420mph

I want him to attend as many un-masked gatherings as possible and rub cheeks with every last one of those deplorables.

Cruusing speed for the A-10 is about 350 mph.

Why exactly is this motherfucker showing up at church anyway? Who other than the evangelicals, who don’t actually worship God anyway being the church of white supemacy and all, is actually going to believe this super-spreading fuck is there to worship?

Coronavirus: The gift that keeps on giving.

There’s no way this isn’t another super-spreader event with the way most of the crowd is sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with no space between the rows. Some, maybe even most do appear to be wearing masks, but that only goes so far when you’re sitting packed in like that in an inside environment. There’s probably enough

You’re making fun of him, but that $20 would go a long way towards paying his taxes.

It’s absurd that both driver and manufacturer think that the Tuatara can go FASTER. There are airplanes SLOWER than that thing.

Assuming those were fresh, new tires at the start of his run, look at how worn out they are now.

It’s the biggest aspect of the speed wars and probably the most discussed point on any fast vehicle attempting to go fast.

Someone with better eyes than I have could probably find out from the pic, but they are Michelins. We’ll have more/actual data once the attempt is certified.

Smells like Georgia's Senator need a change.


I think we should all cut Duhvid PerDoody Diaper some slack.

Her name isn’t any part of an agenda, Dave.