
Jay-Z’s net worth is only estimated at $1 billion. Lamar’s market cap is $6.8 billion so a 51% stake would take half of that (and then some).

Police officers shouldn’t murder innocent people

I’m partial to this one:

This fucking moron probably thought he would be like one of those Nazis who dressed up in an American uniform during the Battle of the Bulge so he could infiltrate behind “enemy lines” and crate chaos. “Once they think I am one of them its GAME ON!!!”

Klacik is actually older than owens.

Now playing

I’m not sure you understand how right you actually are...

Translation:I’m broke or about broke, can’t go in public for long periods because Antifa will send someone to kick me in the balls and Trump won’t return my calls. So I might as well code switch and make some $$$ from stupid people.

Marty McFly’s dad sure is weird.

Fuck Richard Spencer. Who gives a shit what he wants (unless it’s a punch in the face-if he wants that, fine). Why do people still interview, publicize or talk to him?

2020, GURL, YOU WIN, OKAY!? SH*T!!!!

I’ve only seen the “Uncomfortable Convos with..” thing on The Root.

That’s not for us to judge. Feeling abused is relative.

Sorry. Black Southern Democrats decided to saddle us with Joe Biden - you can get him over the finish line. Once SC goes for the Democrats, I’ll shut up.

Don’t forget Steve Harvey. Kissing up to pres-elect sHitler at the tower on 5th ave. And he met with Koonye at chik-fil-a of all places this week. I mean why not double down and expose yourself as a homophobe, in addition to already being a self-hating Uncle Tom.

The pictures of the “men” that showed up to Trump Tower to greet him need to be used in an ad. Ray Lewis, Kanye and sellout supreme Jim Brown all bowed to that man and acted like he was really interested in being a leader for all. Christ thinking about sitting in that room while he disparaged John Lewis makes my blood

First, Mexico almost certainly doesn’t want it. They’ve got enough problems of their own.

These poor authors got off easy. That tweet could have thrown enigmas like “fuzzy guard,” “EWGF,” “taunt jet upper,” and any combination of 1+2, 3+4, 112 etc. notations.

Tekken jargon is truly glorious.

What I kind of find amusing as well is that I don’t play Tekken or any other fighting games, but just from years of gaming, I perfectly understood exactly what that player was generally saying. It made sense to me. It’s nice that gaming culture gives you a kind of general fluency with franchises/genres you don’t

He was in disguise all this time.

I’m still waiting on the Lupita N’Yongo/Rhianna movie where Lupita is the computer nerd who works with Rhianna the badass to pull heists.