
Exactly. Google says there are 630 US Billionaires. So if 13.4% of America is black, there should be 84 black billionaires if opportunity is equal.

Yeah, 6 out of 42,000,000 isn’t proving the point they're trying to make.

Uh-oh, can’t let middle-America’s Black friend get uppity, now. They made her and they can break her!  (Too late for that she got more dollars than GAWD)

Oprah is a billionaire, one of half a dozen African-American billionaires & 880,000-plus black millionaires in America.

“The poorest white man wouldn’t trade places with Oprah.” - Chris Rock

But he always seemed so respectful of women...

You can turn them on/off from the stalk, according to the article. You just can’t adjust the speed.

The expressions of the folks in the background....

What you are referring to that the ‘historians agree’ upon is that there were a number of rebels, prophets and teachers through the ages that through stories and myths became the “historical Jesus.”

No the romans were not “white”at least by non-modern standards. Italians and the Irish have only been “white” for less than a century.

Wow! Thanks for this...I’ve learned something new! Guess what I’m going to researching this evening?!? I would have never put all of that together. Wow.

So the black people & watermelon thing comes from... of all the fuck bois, thomas edison. One of the first motion pictures he shot was at a watermelon eating competition which was in a black community. Since the motion picture was so new, people flocked to see the films he’d made, and for a lot of white people, that

The most recent completed Black Panther run by Ta Nehesi Coates actually goes about answering what I thought was the most obvious question about Wakanda: “Why would the world’s most intellectually advanced nation have a political system that is a monarchy that solves disputes via death battles on the side of a

This is such a weird story to me.  She was actually in detention for beating up her mother, so the statement from the mother has been really weird, almost as if this is some kind of co-dependent abusive relationship.  I hope both of them get the help they need.

On Sunday, Rep. Bass also appeared on Fox News...

No, Karen. We good.

It’s outrageous that a judge thinks that anything this child was accused of warranted a potential death sentence.

So either she’s poorly informed or she knowingly supports bad people and organizations. Or possibly both. The point is that she’s proven herself to be unworthy of the office of VP. I’d argue that she’s proven herself to be unworthy of any elected office—well, unless there are some small towns where people actually run

Grace” bit her mother and was charged with assault. She also stole a cell phone from a classmate in school. This is not sufficient reason to lock her away, though. She had known behavioral problems and was getting more therapy at home with her mother than she was in the facility. Since she only seemed to be violent

That greater level of bullshit was the point, though, right? Nab the kid for digital truancy, and hit ‘em with their past history.