
I’m all for that. What does the national anthem have to do with baseball?

Bought myself a bright yellow Switch Lite at the beginning of the pandemic, and it is probably the wisest indulgence I have ever gotten myself. I can play Link’s Awakening, all reborn on the same handheld that I can play Bayonetta, Samurai Showdown, Final Fantasy X, and Animal Crossing on!? Mind. Blown.

The one thing that I find most tragic that hasn’t changed is the silence on the part of the witnesses who allow a young woman to get victimized repeatedly (first by the silence, then by the system). I wondered this before, whether it was Megan herself who wasn’t talking to police and I still wonder this. What is clear

the antagonism towards Megan just highlights the absolute stupidity of so many people out there, including plenty of “our own”. Just a bunch of toxic misogynoir all over the place. But of course, 11 years ago, “an incident” happened to Rihanna, and pretty much the same reactions followed. We have learned nothing.

A couple of interesting points. What do you expect the police to do after the robbery? I’ll tell you what happens now. The take a report look for evidence and file the report (a copy of which you can get for insurance purposes). I read that something like 80% of stolen items are never recovered. Eventually the thief

That’s an awful lot of hate for a truck that doesn’t exist yet.

Hey Diddy, Cube and you too Nick Cannon this is what you are supposed to be doing. Instead of threatening to hold “the black vote” hostage how about helping them get registered. Oh when one party pretty much admits that more people voting is bad for them you would think this might be a bigger story. 

This is a great step, and I’m glad they did - but they shouldn’t have needed to in the first place. The state of Florida even straight up admitted in court that they can’t identify who needs to pay, and how much they need to pay. Their entire point of passing this law wasn’t to collect money (the fact that Florida

When one of the only two political parties in this country literal plan going forward is; “stop people from voting because if people vote you lose” and somehow this isn’t one of the most important issues in our country is beyond me. Vote by mail; More People Vote! Felons become re-enfranchised; More People Vote!

Big electric trucks are really going to change the scene down at the launch ramp.

There will still be violent crime, no matter how many social workers you have or if you fix income inequality. You will always need some kind of investigative and enforcement authority and some of them will need weapons.

Not just white kids. I know plenty of adults, of all ethnic groups, who never leave their town/neighborhood. As to learning about other cultures, I’d be willing to bet that most non-white students will be taking a class about their own group.

I’m not sure if that’s what you were implying...

“Yeah! ACAB! Fuck the police! They treat black people badly!”

LOL! Here is a fun hint. A sample size of 1,000 is a normal and often used sample size in surveys and polls.

Tucker is really underrated. I’m honestly surprised that Tyson held on in that fight as he wasn’t known for doing well later in fights. Tucker did test him, especially in that first round. 

I’ve said it elsewhere, but it’s only a matter of time before we have a serious confrontation and people die. If you keep sending armed goon squads out to confront unarmed people, sooner or later somebody’s going to pull a trigger. Trump’s going to keep escalating this until we have a massacre.

When it was created, my thought was that something called “Homeland Security” sounded like some stormtrooper shit. And here we are...

“WTF is happening, America? No, seriously, WTF is happening?”