
These dried apples can’t even hold a rifle right.

These women are fighting four our civil rights. Once you accept limiting one group or one person’s civil rights, none of us has any rights, merely the temporary acquiescence of the current majority and subject to change at any time.

Thats just it, thats what unifies them all.

so many  of these fuckers want  a war and all we’re  asking for is justice and equality

They learned from the best.

I am still absolutely blown away by the fact that people can “lawfully” be FUCKING INJECTED WITH KETAMINE.

That’s it? After all the protests and outrage, they’re just on desk duty?


I noticed this news article on yahoo news, and almost all the comments were people suggesting that her injuries were self inflicted. One poster even suggested that she was burned trying to throw a molitov cocktail...

Screw him and his ugly ass clothes. People need some fucking self respect and stop buying his crap.

You would have to be psychotic to willingly light yourself on fire. Overcoming our instinctual fear of it is almost impossible.


Next stop, Walmart bargain bin!

Cooning aside, Kanye’s shit looks like a hobo’s idea of what ‘fancy clothing’ looks like and is also ugly as fucking sin.

Amazing how fast they can investigate, fire, and charge non-cops.

This is an incriminating example of why the school to prison pipeline and private prison complex needs to be smashed to pieces. Children are put in these facilities for the smallest infractions just so a few stock holders can count another stack of gold. What kind of country is this that sentences a child to death for

A group of people... murdered a child... over a FUCKING SANDWICH?!? Then they left his body sitting on the ground for 12 minutes before they called 911 and they are only getting charged with fucking manslaughter??? The whole judicial system needs to be torn down.

Not only would this be a gross overreaction in general, but Lakeside Academy is a school specifically for boys with behavioural problems and that need additional care for their mental health.  It’s not just a random school, these are supposed to be professionals that are specially trained to handle difficult