
The driver was also spotted:

If you think about it, a compact, two seat convertible isn’t the most practical car to begin with to take any sort of “road trip”. Hell, to be honest, I would be fine with 100 mile range in a car like this. I would go out of my way to drive it in ridiculous conditions for the adventure and would not care if I needed

Give me an electric Miata with 150 to 200 mile range and optimized for handling and I’m in. A couple all electrics (Leaf, 500e) are surprisingly capable without even trying to be good driver’s cars.

Why the DNC expects rural white voters to come around to their centrist mentality is beyond me. Those voters are gone. Disappeared for a generation to come. 

I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen and heard plenty of criticism about all of the presidential candidates.

This is one of the many reasons why I love Jalopnik: Useful, informative comments from the community that explain things that the writer didn’t mention.

no he isn’t “wrong” at all you dumb nazi.

None of those pathetic no-name youtubers “doomed” anything LOL.

That video was not ‘damning” at all Bernie Bro, get over yourself.

She’s not the candidate the DNC wants. The DNC wants an inoffensive-seeming photogenic white guy who can play the moderate role exceptionally well. The narrative currently reflects this.

That, sir, is a master bate pun.  Teach me.

They should be thankful not to get this switch:

They wanted a switch and that’s what they got. I don’t see the problem.

You don’t seem to have the attitude toward a LEGO set that one would expect from someone writing for Kotaku.  

Condoms!?!?! Ye olde “bate” and switch I see.

Death wobble is a potential side effect of worn front steering/suspension components on any solid axle vehicle regardless of who manufactured it. It’s a solid front axle design issue, not a Chrysler exclusive by any means.

Fords trucks with solid axles, the Twin I Beam and Twin Traction Beam will all do this too, especially the TIB Fords with railroad highrail gear on them......from what I’ve been told, those would get rather violent.

Ford F53 motorhomes will do it too much less fun with a larger vehicle

chief technical compliance officer Mark Chernoby“

They are saying it doesnt exist, but that places like this should stop legitmizing people doing this as this is extremely dangerous and highly illegal and the police could still use this as evidence and change them with multiple crimes

Can we as car enthusiasts please stop legitimizing this practice and the knobs who participate?