
Some of them are just conquestedor ancestors though, if not straight up descendants of Spain and nothing else. Spain is in Europe and if you look like J Lol you're probably just as white as Tom Brokaw.

He’s already living it. He's being paid off.

I wonder if that point will be brought up in court? Probably not :-(

I really hope those bar pictures make it into the court case. Of course, I don’t expect it too because this is America.

Everything about Kyle triggers me so much. I can barely look at news about him. What they allowed this POS to do is so infuriating it makes me feel like we’re back in the 1900's. I don’t care about Kyle, I care what the reactions to Kyle say about America. Will America always be this bad?

Yeah I tried to buy as soon as I read about it and it didn't work. Now it does though.

Towing range is most likely half. If you want to be environmentally conscious, you're going to have to tow less. EV's are a compromise to save the environment.

White snowflakes are AFRAID of losing access to white power. Police brutality is here forever.

Likely because his name is in the news and people are trash.

Ahh good ol’Joe “Robinette” Biden and his federal prosecutors. No regrets there at all! /sarcasm

I am simply saying that they are making money from being racist. Therefore, it is not cheaper to behave differently. White supremacy originated out of a profit motive. That continues to be the motive for the rich.

David Chappelle should have stayed retired.

Millions of people voted for Donald Trump, twice. Numbers of followers means nothing.

Even Donald Trump has “black friends.”

These employers are racist because it pays to be racist.

It really isn't. The more people they can intimidate out of standing up for themselves, the easier it is to keep exploiting people. $100k isn't much compared the expense saved from not having to pay people a living wage in the first place.

This is why car enthusiasts should be ignored. Lincoln hardly has a reason to exist.

I bet any side impact would turn that into a pretzel faster than you can say “goodbye cruel world!”

Once they've used her up like a condom they'll dispose of her the same way.

Maybe we should have voted for better Democrats? We need to primary some of these people...