
Once you have been brought down to the point of resorting to violence, you have already lost. America isn't the world.

Do we even have a Democracy anymore?

Ghana seems like a really nice country.

That punctured lung may have just saved him a few more brain cells. I don't understand why people still play CTE-ball. Especially given how racist the NFL is.

Okay. I am going attempt this one last time, and then I am moving on.

Tesla has been sued for AP. Tesla’s infotainment is more reliable than your smartphone. That’s why they haven’t been sued for that.

Shame it's not electric. 😔

If someone crashes their car because of the ads in your mobile phone app interrupted Google Maps, will you be sued? No.

It’s a fact. The software in your car was tested by the manufacturer. The manufacturer knows they are liable and they test accordingly. The software in your phone was built by random companies, each with their own standards and safety not being a concern. Mobile software are found to have vulnerabilities and viruses

I drive a Tesla, I use in car navigation. I also have it on my Jeep and that is crap, but it has never put me in a 2 hour driving loop like my Android has. The GPS performance of mobile phones is still a joke. The Android Auto app does an okay job of keeping away distracting apps, but even that can fail and then your

When you change the radio station, I bet the response is instant. When you turn off/on the AC, I bet that's instant too. No one pulls over to do these things. Additionally, navigation apps are designed to be used while driving. You can't benefit from them any other way.

Any time this happens, it’s going to be a distraction. The more often it happens, the greater the risk becomes.

Could also contribute to crashes if it's oriented wrong.

Your tablet or phone is not designed to operate a car. If it lags for 20 seconds or crashes 2x a day because of all the tracking ads it's running, the phone/tablet maker doesn't care. Cars have to be safer than that.

How about horses? It's way easier to safely do these things when your ride knows it's own way home and has common sense!

I want to fight for America, but it’s getting to a point where I don’t know if we can save it. Voting in November isn’t going to bring 188,000 people back. Especially if we’re not even allowed to vote. The police are getting worse too. Is this really how I want my kids growing up?

How can you vote? They keep purging the registrations and shutting down the polls in black neighborhoods. We’re never going to be able to vote again because the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is expired now.

The problem is white women can still bask in the gains of white male privilege.

Does Africa really need another Liberia? I don't know much about Senegal, but moving to another country is complicated especially one still bearing the scars of colonial rule.