
Georgia is going to Georgia. I feel sorry for every black person living there. You all are braver than me. I pray that everyone of you gets to vote, but I can’t blame anyone who doesn’t under those conditions.

Read up on Freedom Schools in the 60's. When they finally tried to fix the joke of an education black people were getting, they created Freedom Schools where white college kids taught black kids random unstructured lessons. The Mississippi police shot a lot of white people over that.

They left a task force not the job. They still get paid. It’s really not much of a resigning. It’s more like, “oh, well in that case I’ll just do my normal work and still get paid.”

Lil Wayne is trash and always has been. His music is trash too. I still haven’t forgiven him for his Emmett Till comments.

I won’t reply to the grays, but if anyone wants to know more about conflict in the Middle East, I suggest looking up how Iraq even became a country. America, Europe, and Russia, all have tons of blood on their hands in the fight over oil.

Terry Crews needs to sit down and apologize. He’s lost his mind repeating and legitimatizing that term on his platform. That’s the most obviously racist thing I have heard in my life. Who cares if someone called him an Uncle Tom? He's worth millions! Suck it up and be the better person!

A needless war where countless black and brown people lost their lives directly sparking the rise of ISIS.

For CTE alone they deserve that. I don't see why the NFL should get another dime again. They have always been an awful organization.

His Trump worship has contributed more to black pain than a few donations can undo. Regardless, I’m glad he’s done this. Hopefully he will keep his mouth shut and not interfere in anything.

Wearing the flag as clothing is actually a violation of US Flag Code.

Vote in every election, primary, midterm, and general. Know every name on that ballot because picking blindly is exactly how the bad apples sneak through and build a resume to take over. Of course, votes alone are not enough. We still need protests, petitions, and boycotts.

I’m quite certain manifest destiny broke every single Native American law, who were the authority on this land when the European’s arrived.

November is far enough away to pile up the bodies and change America’s demographics forever. I don’t plan on waiting that long.

Before all these comments become overwhelming pro-atheist, lets not forget that the biggest atheist in America is Trump and a substantial part of his base is atheist. I don’t know if you all pay attention to this or not, but atheism is very popular with White America and there are no shortage of YouTube atheists (they

Oh great, Christian misogyny. She literally brought Jesus into this world and raised him, but we’re supposed to forget that she even existed? There are no quotes on virgin Mary. Jesus is the son of God, not of man.

Not sure how you equate a statue of Rizzo to Christians shouldn’t have paintings of angels. I guess if I walked into your house, there wouldn’t be a single family photo anywhere right?

Obama did his part in opening doors, but I couldn’t listen to him past the point where he started talking about good cops. I don’t want hear a single thing about good cops right now. Good, should be the minimum requirement for all cops. They hold extraordinary power and should be held to extraordinary standards.

Tiananmen Square.

Human life > property

At this point, I end conversations the moment I hear a white supremacist phrase. Here’s a quick list of conversation enders: